You Witness News

Were you there when news happened? Upload your photos here to have them considered for use in articles and features on Yahoo! News.

Submit photos to You Witness News

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It's easy to submit photos through our partner Flickr for consideration on Yahoo! News. Just add to your Photostream, join the You Witness News group, and follow a few basic instructions.


  • What to send us
    • DO submit photos that you captured yourself.
    • DO submit photos that are timely.
  • What we're not looking for
    • DON'T submit copyrighted photos you did not take.
    • DON'T submit photos containing nudity or graphic violence.
    • DON'T submit photos taken weeks ago.
    • DON'T put yourself or anyone else in danger to get photos.

You may want to print this page or open Flickr in a new window to refer to the below steps:


  1. Go to Flickr. Sign in or sign up for a free account.
  2. Upload photos you wish to submit to You Witness News to your Photostream
  3. Be sure to check the "Public" button under "Set Privacy"
  4. Now, go your Photostream; Click on the photo you want to submit.
  5. You'll need to add specific information for each photo so we can verify and use your photos. You will need to include the below information for every photo you submit to us. If you don't fill in these fields, we CANNOT consider your photos for use.
    In the right column, you'll see some settings. Follow these steps:
    • "All rights reserved" is the default setting for photos. We can only accept photos tagged as "All rights reserved"
    • Be sure "Anyone can see this photo"
    • Click "Add to your map." You must enter the location where this photo was taken; we can't use it if you don't add this info.
    • On the map page, enter the location in the search box (or you can navigate using the map). Once you select the correct location, click "Save to Map," and close the map window.
    • Check the date next to "Taken on" to be sure it's correct. If not, click Edit.
    • Click "Edit title, description and tags". Please enter an appropriate title and 1-sentence description of event. Add relevant tags if you like. Save the changes.


  1. At page top, click Groups. In "Find a group," search for "You Witness News." The group must be called exactly "You Witness News" - any other related or variant group won't be an official submission to Yahoo! News.
  2. On the "You Witness News" group page, read the rules and terms for the group. If you don't agree, do not join the group and do not submit your photos to You Witness News. If you agree to the terms, click Join.
  3. Once joined, at top of the group page, click "Add photos or video." Note that we don't accept Video right now, only photos.
  4. Select the photo(s) you wish to submit - be sure they're labeled according to instructions above - and click "Add to Group." NOTE: Adding your photos to the You Witness News group means you are giving permission for Yahoo! News to use those photos in the manner described below, in Permission and Representations.
  5. That's it! Once submitted, our photo editors will review. If accepted, you'll see your photos on the You Witness News slideshow at Yahoo! News, and maybe, accompanying a breaking news event!
  6. Once you have joined the You Witness Group, simply submit photos from your Photostream any time you wish to send us additional work. Remember that the terms you agree to when you join the Group apply to all photos you subsequently submit to the Group.

Permissions and Representations:

By adding photos to the You Witness News group on Flickr, you are officially submitting your photos for consideration for use on Yahoo! News. By submitting your photos, you agree that you are the author of the photos and you own or have the necessary rights to all copyrights or other proprietary rights in your photos. You retain ownership of your photos that you submit to this group, and if your photo is displayed on You Witness News, you will be attributed using the photo credit information you provide related to your account with Flickr. However, by submitting your photos to the group, you grant Yahoo! and its affiliates a worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and display your photos on Yahoo! News and local Yahoo! News sites in other countries.