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Christina Aguilera Express Video from Burlesque

Christina Aguilera Express Video from Burlesque

The video to accompany Express, from the Burlesque movie soundtrack, sang by Christina Aguilera, can be found below. We’ve already heard the audio debut as an exclusive on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show; the same day as the video for I Am A Good Girl was released. It shows more of the same: ass-shaking at the camera and lots of mouths agape, all ‘sexified’. The movie is released Thanksgiving weekend, because there’s nothing more family and wholesome than fishnets and the shaking of one’s chest (as one is instructed to do in the lyrics of the song). I liked this song, sort of, as I mentioned in the earlier post. However, this video made me like it less. I don’t know why. The visuals from this film are just jarring and making it so that I don’t want to watch. I’d rather listen to the audio, on its own, in the original post. If you want to check out the video, check it out below.

Christina Aguilera sings Express, from soon-to-be-released Burlesque sountrack.

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