The aim of this article is to introduce the reader to several important concepts necessary for the understanding of criminal conspiracies. Not all concepts apply to all conspiracies.

Aim: The aim of this article is to introduce the reader to several important concepts necessary for the understanding of criminal conspiracies. Not all concepts apply to all conspiracies.

1) Conspiracies are so common that they can be prosecuted in several countries; it is so ancient that it is part of English Common Law.

2) There is a conspiracy when two or more people associate to carry out a harmful act against another person, a group or an institution.

3) Conspiracies have been conducted throughout the ages. They may take the several forms:

  • Establishment conspiracy against the people
  • Conspiracy to overthrow a legitimate government
  • False Flag Operations (described later)
  • Subversion of state institutions
  • Economic conspiracies, through the banking system, or conspiracy to defraud
  • Common people conspiracies (e.g. conspiring to have a co-worker fired)

4) The prime motive for establishment conspiracies is accumulation of power. Wealth is usually a secondary motive; it may serve as a reward for the partakers in the conspiracy who do not gain power.

5) It is possible to demonstrate the possibility of a conspiracy if the following elements exist: motive, means, opportunity and precedent.

6) Disinformation agents, pre-paid experts, journalists and scientists - psyops in general can exert a negative influence on independent investigations. These operations are only meant to target the minds of the unsuspecting. Once one becomes aware of their techniques, they are more easily sidestepped.

Disinformation agents often pose as alternative independent researchers or 'conspiracy theorists', intent on saying or doing questionable things, so that the alternative movement they associate with can be discredited. Often, disinformation agents will appear to be legitimate researchers, gaining the trust of many before they switch sides. Other, more tame variations of disinformation agents include those qualified experts and scientists who are paid to give a pro-official opinion, whilst pretending to be independent.

7) Problem-Reaction-Solution: In order to offer society something, they must first have a desire for it. This desire must be created if it does not already exist. In order to offer society a solution, a problem must exist. This problem must be manufactured, if it does not already exist. When society becomes aware of the problem, they react, and their reaction causes the interested authorities to offer their ready-made solution.

8) LIHOP - Let It Happen On Purpose. This assumes 'interested elements' of the authorities let their guard down deliberately, in order to allow an event to occur, with intent to profit from it's aftermath.

9) False Flag Operations. An example: an attack or similar event is covertly carried out by group 'A'. Group 'B' find themselves incriminated, because group A used B's identities, national flag, or other identification during the attack. Thereafter, the mainstream media will help cement the 'guilt' of group B.

10) MIHOP - Made It Happen On Purpose. This is the most important false flag variation, which assumes that 'interested elements' of the authorities orchestrated and fully implemented the events, with the intent to profit from their aftermath.

11) A training drill may be used as a cover for a false-flag operation, with the media subsequently reporting only the attack itself. This leaves all mentions of the training drill to the alternative media, where they can be dismissed as coincidence, inconsequence or just plain lies.

12) Conspiracies rely on compartmentalisation to minimise the number of informed participants. Only a select few people are in on the whole conspiracy, and these high-level individuals can control those below them - those who remain completely unaware of what is being orchestrated.

13) Establishments do not need to, and cannot cover up completely their conspiracies. Rather, they rely on a compliant media to not report the inevitable slip-ups.

14) Many people assume continuity means reality, and that the continuous narrative presented by the mainstream media is reality in totality. Many people who are still in the mainstream have positive expectations and understandings of the establishment, and these expectations are fed by mainstream news. The acceptance of a conspiracy may break that continuity - as it may appear to contradict 'reality' entirely - thus people resist.

15) The establishment and its media may attempt to manufacture a diversion or scandal to distract the public, and to reduce the amount of news coverage a conspiracy might get.

16) Keywords and key phrases are used by the mass media to cloud or divert people's attentions and understanding. Word's meanings are often twisted so that the new meaning does not match the original concept the word was supposed to symbolise. Check our list of keywords and key phrases for some examples.

17) Coincidence theory. Dishonest pro-official sources, and naïve people will attempt to dismiss all evidence of a conspiracy as mere coincidence. Though, this becomes more difficult as more and more coincidences arise.

18) The meaning of the word government is too vague for many to grasp, and too vague for the purpose of describing a conspirator. In reality, there are a variety of official agencies, military organisations, military intelligence agencies, private contractors, bureaucracies, political parties, think tanks, international organisations, secret societies, cartels, clubs and corporations that aid the ruling class, and these might be better summarised by the word 'establishment'.

Not all of these example organisations hold the same types of power and influence, and some are more likely to be involved in a conspiracy than others. Many of these organisations will co-operate with other interested groups in order to reach a common goal.

19) Eliminating whistle blowers is only done as a last resort, as it would prove the existence of a conspiracy. Using the media to ridicule them is privileged.

20) In allegedly democratic societies, conspiracies must be conducted in a way that does not betray the true authoritarian nature of the state and preserves the democratic curtain.

21) 'Qui bono?' -- Who stands to gain? Any official story where a perpetrator does not have an obvious motive for his action must be considered suspect.

22) The first objective of any cover-up is to reach the public mind before it has recovered from its shock. An official story must be planted immediately after the confusion and before any other theory can take shape, in order for the chosen story to provide psychological relief to the public. Challenging the official story will thus be difficult, as it will strip the public from its comfort blanket.

23) A cover-up may be countered if the public is warned about the possibility of an establishment conspiracy before the official story is implanted, and before the media can ridicule alternative theories.

24) Esoteric vs Exoteric. Very often, an official public symbol, statement, action, or plan of action will have a different motive or meaning to the one publicly stated, and can thus be subjected to multiple interpretations by those who are skeptical. One must always look for hidden meanings and beneficiaries.

One variation is 'function creep'; this phenomena occurs when a system or law is put in place to deal with a specific situation, but is subsequently expanded to deal with many unrelated situations - gaining scope and power in the process. Surveillance technology is an obvious example of function creep, with the exoteric purpose being crime-fighting, and the esoteric purpose being total surveillance, tracking and information gathering.

25) Red Herrings may be inserted into an event or investigation to confuse researchers. The red herrings normally point to alternate culprits, or are intended to break any incriminating patterns that should exist.

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