How Donald Shoup Will Find You a Parking Spot

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ReasonTV | November 09, 2010 | likes, 22 dislikes

Can't find curb-side parking? UCLA economist Donald Shoup can find you a spac...

ReasonTV | November 09, 2010 | likes, 22 dislikes

Can't find curb-side parking? UCLA economist Donald Shoup can find you a space.

Professor Shoup is the author of The High Cost of Free Parking, and points out that, "just because the driver doesn't pay for parking doesn't mean the cost goes away."

In addition to making it harder to find a spot when you need one, "free" parking exacerbates other problems, from pollution to traffic congestion. Using the power of market pricing, Shoup explains how to fix the parking mess in three steps.

Cities from San Fransisco to Washington, DC are already adopting Shoup's reforms.

Approximately 7:00 minutes.

Interview and editing: Paul Detrick. Camera: Hawk Jensen.

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  • Did he do a study to see how much business was lost due to these meter increases?

  • sorry I don't like this video... i figured the reason way would be to let each building owner own the curb parking in front of their shops and let them rent em out. 

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  • I go to Michigan State University and there is a huge shortage of parking even if you pay. I don't want to pay $25 a day to park when I can't walk to class. Sorry but in this country I'm allowed to be lazy and uppity and if I wanna drive and park for free I should be able to so suck SHOUP.

  • @032125

    The voluntary tax is the justification of the state, even large state, and so from my perspective, I see anarchy as mutually exclusive to this idea, and a poor route to take regardless. I have yet to read Rothbard, only (notably) human action, so perhaps he touches on the issues I take with anarchy. If you are familiar with him, would you perhaps do me the favor and humor my questions on a medium such as IRC?

    Respectfully of course~

  • @kristopheraugust I do, and I am an anarchist (Rothbardian, not the wild eyed bomb throwing socialist type).

    Read Lysander Spooner.

  • How much is the cost of the meter? How long until this space makes its money back to cover the cost of the meter? What is the maintenance cost of the meter? Maybe I'm a socialist in regard to this, but I like free parking. I like not having to get out of my car and immediately make a transaction while also worrying about if I'll get back to my car before the meter runs out. I could put more money in the meter to prevent this...but then I'd be putting more money in the meter!

  • People wouldn't be mindlessly driving and parking so much if it wasn't for those stupid zoning laws. Do a study on how much money, energy, time and lives THAT wastes.

  • Whaaa? Paying more for parking is the solution? How many times have we all heard "Nah, I don't want to go downtown, parking is terrible."?! Higher meter prices would encourage all people to just avoid visiting urban areas and worse, would only make things harder for cash-strapped drivers (read: college students and working and lower class individuals). I like the solution above: let the closest business rent the lot from the local government each year. They can manage parking, local gov profits.

  • @asalade I use the word "has" to mean "they do", but you picked up on that.

    The gov also taxes the citizens by inflating the monetary supply. This is a tax that reduces the purchasing power of everyone. This reduction in purchasing power follows for Food, Housing, Education, Healthcare etc.

    A gov charging for parking is a direct tax, that will be used inefficiently, but those that benefit from it will not notice at all. Those that don't benefit from it, will just be stuck with the bill...

  • @wetwingnut You said that the parking spaces are already paid for, and this is true, so what is "Libertarian" about the gov taxing even more just so a few people who wish to pay more taxes can use the parking spaces?

    I can't see Libertarianism in this at all, but it does sound like Central Planning (Socialism, Marxism, etc..).

  • @wetwingnut It sounds like you don't understand how those parking spaces are paid for, and you also don't understand was libertarian is.

    If the gov taxes someone for parking, that is about as anti-libertarian as you can get. Using the gov to take funds and then distribute them as they see fit is totally against the idea of libertarianism. This would be more like Socialism.

    Gov already taxes plenty for roads and parking, they just need to find better ways to manage the funds, not tax more.

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