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Eyetracking research

Posted by michael on February 3rd, 2006.

I make the web work for you. I develop applications that make life easier by helping people be more productive; saving time and money. Also specializing in E-Commerce development using ASP, PHP, Javascript, XHTML, CSS, MySQL, SQL Server.

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I found interesting research involving eyetracking the other day at PoynterOnline. When I went to the home page, I wasn’t quite sure what a site about journalism had to do with eyetracking for websites…until I realized the research is specific to news sites. Nonetheless, where a user’s eyes focus on a web page is useful information to designers regardless of the type of site it is.

Worth checking out, there’s very detailed graphs, etc showing the movement of a user’s eyes as they scan a page from top to bottom, highlighting where they spend the most amounts of time. They also spend a good deal of time discussing navigation location, advertising, paragraph length, writing style, image size (dimension), headline format, type size, and more. An interesting read to say the least.

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The Eyetracking stuff is really interesting although I have my reservations as to wither the research can be applied to all new designs. I suppose they not rules, only guidelines!

Matt Davies
February 10th, 2006

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