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Profile: My Name: Al Newkirk Alibae (ah+lee+bay) Newkirk; I go by Al, easier on the lips My Company: awnStudio Collective Where Form Meets Function, And Function Equals Freedom; A web application development company & community My Skills: Programming Languages / Platforms HTML Expertise ActionScript Fundamentals JavaScript Proficiency Perl/CGI Expertise Cold Fusion Fundamentals C++ Fundamentals Visual Basic Fundamentals SQL Proficiency Windows Platform Expertise Linux Platform Proficiency UNIX Platform Fundamentals Microsoft IIS Platform Proficiency Apache Platform Fundamentals Abyss Platform Proficiency MySQL Platform Expertise Microsoft Access Expertise Cold Fusion Server/Platform/Language Proficiency Design Style / Skill Vector Drawing Sketching Proficiency Digital Photography Proficiency Photographic Retouching Expertise Concept Designing Proficiency Graphic Designing Expertise 3-Deminision Design Proficiency Flash Animation Expertise Cad Proficiency Flow Charting Expertise -To name a few...


Latest Posts by Al Newkirk:

Will My Time Ever Come…
10 Nov 2006 in Uncategorised, Typography, Standards

Is Less Really More?
07 Nov 2006 in Opinion, Layout