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IWGIA's overall goal is to endorse and promote indigenous peoples' right to self-determination, their cultural integrity and their right to development on their own conditions. In order to fulfil this task, IWGIA works within a wide range of areas: Documentation, publication, human rights, lobbying, advocacy, research and projects.

News from the indigenous world

Dec 2   COP 16: Commitment to include IP rights in Climate Change agreements considered positive
Dec 1   COP 16: Press release by the IIPFCC
Nov 30 Argentina: Urgent action - violent eviction of Toba Qom
Nov 29 
Cop 16: opening statement by the IIPFCC
Nov 22 Botswana: For some
Bushmen, a Homeland Worth the Fight
Nov 22 Bangladesh: Protest against land acquisition in CHT 
Nov 18 'World Conference on Indigenous Peoples' in 2014
Nov 15 UN Special Rapporteur praises Congo's draft law on IPs
Nov 15 Canada endorses UN Declaration on the Rights of IPs
Nov 10 Paraguay: Ayoreo protest English expedition to the Chaco
Nov  9  Note on the COP 10 of the CBD

  Overview of news and updates from IWGIA
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Movie: Amazonia for Sale

 Latest IWGIA publications

land rights of indigenous people in africa

The Indigenous World 2010

IWGIA Annual Report 2009

Qu'est-ce que la REDD?

Land Rights of Indigenous People in Africa

IWGIA's activities

Projects in the regions
IWGIA has projects in the following regions:  AfricaAsiaLatin America and Russia. You can find the strategies guiding IWGIA's work in the different regions and more.

IWGIA facilitates indigenous participation in meetings and conferences on indigenous issues both within the UN and on a more regional basis.

Political work
IWGIA seeks to raise awareness among politicians and governments about indigenous peoples. This is done through dissemination of information, dialogue and political lobbying via conversations with government representatives, politicians and other influential persons.

IWGIA calendar


The board

From left: Maria Teresa Quispe, Mark Nuttall, Kathrin Wessendorf, Diana Vinding, Robert K. Hitchcock, Lola García-Alix, Thomas Skielboe and Espen Wæhle