
Tuesday 30 November 2010



Miliband is learning fast that leadership is a brutal business

Labour's new chief faces a huge challenge – and the past few days have not gone well, says Mary Riddell.

Tories mustn’t play nanny to new mothers

The Coalition should not copy Labour in heaping 'family friendly’ red tape on firms, says Cristina Odone.

The historical lessons of daylight robbery

A return to darker mornings would result in an outburst of anger, argues Philip Johnston.

Pity the husbands who linger in lingerie

How do you go about buying lingerie without looking like a furtive lech, asks Michael Deacon.

Nigel Farage is Denis Thatcher on speed

The UKIP leader's main interests – pubs, golf, women, cricket and fishing – are shared with great men, writes Daniel Hannan.

WikiLeaks: Do they have a right to privacy?

The candid diplomatic information revealed by WikiLeaks is embarrassing, but it could also cause real harm, says Malcolm Rifkind.

An upbeat forecast, but the Coalition cannot falter

Telegraph View: the British economy is on the right track but we must stay on it.

Confronting the snake

Telegraph View: It is time Arab countries stopped relying on the Americans and the Israelis to make all the running against Tehran.

Incisiveness? My word!

Telegraph View: Extremism, underdog and incisiveness; all words that first appeared in the Daily Telegraph, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. We are not proud but humbled.


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Nats get new powers despite taxing times for Salmond

Holyrood will be handed a swathe of extra powers today. Is this just to appease a now struggling SNP, asks Alan Cochrane.

Do they have a right to privacy?

WikiLeaks files are embarrassing, but could also cause real harm, says Malcolm Rifkind.

Whether High Kirk or cathedral, St Giles' can shine once again

Alan Cochrane takes a look at the recently renovated church at the heart of Scotland's capital.

Are actors losing the wit to portray the past?

The Rivals at Theatre Royal Haymarket should have offered a perfect evening out, says Charles Moore.

A new type of control order is essential

Nick Clegg needs to consider the safety of 60 million people in his security review, says Alex Carlile.

'Last chance’ in the snakepit

As climate talks start in Cancun, negotiators are filled with sense of foreboding, reports Geoffrey Lean.

England is best placed to host the 2018 World Cup

Boris Johnson hopes that tonight’s Panorama about Fifa will not prejudice our World Cup bid.

Why don't we love David Cameron?

The Prime Minister is doing most things right, but he just can't capture the public's imagination, says Janet Daley.

Ed Miliband is simply Gordon 2.0

Miliband knows what to say to the middle classes, but not how to mean it, says Matthew d'Ancona

Cold comfort

Telegraph View: A cold November is no harbinger of a frigid winter.

A problem like Korea

Telegraph View: North Korea's reckless provocations are endangering the stability of East Asia.

National security must be the top priority

Telegraph View: With adequate safeguards in place, control orders are a measured response to a threat of the sort we have never had to confront before.

A belated blow for common sense

Telegraph View: Lord Judge does British justice a great service

Labour's leader must decide what he stands for

Telegraph View: Ed Miliband's plans for the Labour Party remain unclear

Bootiful big business

Telegraph View: The British have a keen sense about the shape and size of their food.

We should listen to John Major, not Ed Miliband

Telegraph View: British aspiration is suppressed by meddlesome politicians.

Norfolk chalk reef: Full fathom five

Telegraph View: the marvels of marine life are closer than we think.

The benefits trap

Telegraph View: The decision to withdraw child benefit from higher-rate taxpayers is once again in the spotlight - and remains glaringly unfair

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