Specifications: OeBPS Version 1.2


Open eBook Publication Structure Specification Version 1.2

OEBPS 1.2 is the current Recommended Specification (released 27 August 2002), superceding OEBPS 1.0.1.

(For general information about OEBPS, refer to the OEBPS Specification FAQ.)

OEBPS 1.2 is a tightly constrained update to the prior version (OEBPS 1.0.1): it provides a great deal of new functionality in the area of presentation control, including, among other things, improvements in the Basic markup vocabulary (now a pure subset of XHTML 1.1), and greatly expanded CSS support. Significant effort and care was taken to maximize compatibility of this version with existing OEBPS 1.0.1 content. Further details regarding the changes made in 1.2 from 1.0.1 are found in the Specification document itself.

OEBPS 1.2 (Recommended Specification, 27 August 2002)

OEBPS 1.2 Publication (ZIP archive)

DTD/ENT files (ZIP archive)

We also provide the OEBPS 1.2 Specification in the following popular document formats:

Online (as XHTML 1.1)

Adobe® PDF

Microsoft® Word 2000

For further general information on the OEBPS Specification:

The IDPF Publication Structure Working Group strongly encourages feedback on the current version of the OEBPS Specification, as well as suggested requirements for later versions.

  • OeBPS Bug Reports (“Bug” reports for the current Specification—technical issues, typographical errors, etc.)
  • OeBPS Comments (All other comments including suggested requirements for future versions of OEBPS)

Download a sample OEBPS 1.2 Publication (in a zip archive) for the Public Domain book "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Jane Bronte.