CNN CNN Living

Sending hope in a shoe box

Valery Bianco was almost 10 when she received her first shoe box. "It was touching to receive a gift as an orphan, someone people don't care about," Valery says. Today, she is sending shoe boxes with gifts to other orphans. FULL STORY

Men and their holiday shopping battle

Some men treat holiday shopping as war and draw up a battle plan: Find the product -- purchase the product -- get out of store! FULL STORY

Tech-toy gifts for kids of all ages

While your 8-year-old might not be coding websites or whizzing through Excel spreadsheets just yet, it's not too soon to get him or her a tech-driven gift this holiday season. FULL STORY

Geese, cookies and iPods: Buying for a cause

If you want to feel twice as nice about holiday gift giving, try donating to a charity. For altruistic gift givers, here is CNN's charitable gift guide with fun, practical -- and even edible -- presents for almost every kind of person and cause. FULL STORY


Blais Off! The innovative chef talks TV and tweaking?
Blais Off! The innovative chef talks TV and tweaking…
Chef Richard Blais burst onto the national dining scene in 2008 when his stint on Top Chef allowed him to...
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