Portrait of Woodrow Wilson

Facts at a Glance

28th President of the United States (1913–1921)

Born: December 28, 1856, Staunton, Virginia

Full Name: Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Nickname: "Schoolmaster in Politics"

Education: College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), graduated 1879

Religion: Presbyterian

Marriage: June 24, 1885, to Ellen Louise Axson (1860-1914), December 18, 1915, to Edith Bolling Galt (1872-1961)

Children: Margaret Woodrow (1886-1944), Jessie Woodrow (1887-1933), Eleanor Randolph (1889-1967)

Career: Professor, College Administration, Public Official

Political Party: Democrat

Writings: George Washington (1896), A History of the American People (5 vols., 1902), Constitutional Government in the United States (1908), Papers of Woodrow Wilson (1966-), ed. by Arthur S. Link, et al.

Died: February 3, 1924, Washington, D.C.

Buried: National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

A Life in Brief: Woodrow Wilson was one of America’s greatest Presidents. His domestic program expanded the role of the federal government in managing the economy and protecting the interests of citizens. His foreign policy established a new vision of America’s role in the world. More . . .

No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation.
April 20, 1915

Essays on Woodrow Wilson and His Administration

Woodrow Wilson
A Life in Brief
Life Before the Presidency
Campaigns and Elections
Domestic Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Life After the Presidency
Family Life
The American Franchise
Impact and Legacy
Key Events
First Lady
Edith Wilson
Vice President
Thomas R. Marshall
Secretary of State
William Jennings Bryan (1913–1915)
Robert Lansing (1915–1920)
Bainbridge Colby (1920–1921)
Secretary of War
Lindley M. Garrison (1913–1916)
Newton Diehl Baker (1916–1921)
Postmaster General
Albert S. Burleson (1913–1921)
Secretary of the Interior
Franklin K. Lane (1913–1920)
John B. Payne (1920–1921)
Secretary of Commerce
William C. Redfield (1913–1919)
Joshua W. Alexander (1919–1921)
Secretary of the Treasury
William G. McAdoo (1913–1918)
Carter Glass (1918–1920)
David Franklin Houston (1920–1921)
Attorney General
James C. McReynolds (1913–1914)
Thomas W. Gregory (1914–1919)
Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1919–1921)
Secretary of the Navy
Josephus Daniels (1913–1921)
Secretary of Agriculture
David Franklin Houston (1913–1920)
Edwin T. Meredith (1920–1921)
Secretary of Labor
William B. Wilson (1913–1921)

Consulting Editor: Kendrick Clements

Professor Clements is a Distinguished Professor of History, Emeritus at the University of South Carolina. His writings include:

Woodrow Wilson (Co-authored with Eric A. Cheezum, American President Reference Series, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2003)

The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson (University Press of Kansas, 1992)

Woodrow Wilson: World Statesman (Twayne Publishers, 1987)

Presidential Speeches

Below are selections from the Miller Center’s Woodrow Wilson speech collection.

March 4, 1913—Inaugural Address

Miller Center Scholarship and Speakers

The Miller Center of Public Affairs is a national nonpartisan center to research, reflect, and report on American government, with special attention to the central role and history of the presidency. Below is a selection of Miller Center resources on Woodrow Wilson.

Listen to Murat Williams’s 1990 presentation at the Miller Center on George Washington v. Woodrow Wilson.

President Woodrow Wilson led the country as Commander in Chief during World War I. Learn more about the Miller Center’s National War Powers Commission.

Learn more about the Center’s National Commission on Presidential Transitions and Foreign Policy and its relationship to Wilson.

Scripps Library Reference Resources

Below are links to reference resources prepared by the Miller Center’s Scripps Library that are designed to help students and scholars quickly conduct their research.

Information on Woodrow Wilson’s Private and Public Papers

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