International Fellowship of Evangelical Students

MENA: the context for student ministry

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is a difficult one for Christian ministry. In these Muslim majority countries, heavy restrictions, isolation and fear can lead to Christians feeling that they are, as several Middle Eastern believers have described it, 'the minority of a minority of a minority'. Yet God is at work and there is great courage, freedom and boldness among Christ's followers there.


reconciliation through Christ

Conflict in the Middle East has been a reality in the news for the lifetime of many of us, but it is a more than a distant news item for students living in the midst of this ongoing turmoil. Checkpoints and blockades, violence and death – from the outside it is easy to wonder how anyone could study in such a situation.

But from the Palestinian territories we receive this news: 'We praise God for a fruitful summer with many activities inside and outside the country with both students and graduates. And we thank God for the blessed new academic year which started quietly – for many years the universities always had lengthy strikes and closures, but this year it was just for a couple of days.'

Recently FSCI (the IFES movement in Israel) decided to hold one of their conferences in the Palestinian territories, so that students there could attend. Fifteen students joined them – 'It was the first time to meet with the Israeli movement in more than five years. We were only able to be there for half a day, but it was still a great blessing to meet our brothers and sisters.'

In spite of the constant unsettledness of life, Christian students in the Palestinian territories still make plans – this month there is an event for new students and a camp. Once a week there is a leaders' Bible study course. There are even plans to start a new group at one of the universities.

Give thanks with us that our God is a God in whom there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). Pray for students everywhere who live in regions where there are deep-rooted divisions along political, ethnic or social lines, and who are struggling to live the reality of our reconciliation through Christ.

Pray that others will see how followers of Christ think and behave in these situations of conflict and be drawn to our powerful God, who has demolished the dividing wall of hostility between him and us, and can do the same for the divisions among people.

Pray too for safety on the streets, for people to stop their attacks. Pray for peace in the Middle East.

Students are at the centre of our vision.

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Jamil C


Jamil C

Regional Secretary

c/o IFES International Service Centre
321 Banbury Road

United Kingdom

t: +44 (0)1865 292555
