Cameron Island

Cameron Island

Cameron Island is the northernmost and second largest of the chain of satellite islands, that form the western boundary to the Bathurst Island group. The island is located 3.75 km northwards, across the Arnott Strait, from the slightly larger Île Vanier. Its northern tip faces the Desbarats Strait, separating the northwestern side of the Bathurst group from Lougheed Island.

The 1,059 km² island has a maximum length of 44 km (orientated northwest to southeast) with widths of between 20 km and 30 km. Elevations throughout most the island are low (20 m to 60 m); highest elevations are found in the southeast where the folded terrain that characterises the islands to the south and southwest comes to an and on Cameron Island. Mt. Wilmot, in the southeastern corner, is the highest point on the island.

image: MODIS rapid response project at nasa/goddard space flight center

Location Map
