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Public Employee Salaries

database growing daily!

Newly updated salary information contains gross compensation,
including salary, benefits, bonuses, etc.

Click on a name for more information.
Name Position Department Gross Comp.
Recreation Aide ADMINISTRATION -
Recreation Aide STREET LIGHTING -
Recreation Aide RECREATION $48
Recreation Aide RECREATION $54
Recreation Aide RECREATION $87
Recreation Aide RECREATION $152
Recreation Aide RECREATION $163
Recreation Aide RECREATION $163
Receptionist WATER $194
Recreation Aide RECREATION $195
Recreation Aide RECREATION $235
Recreation Aide RECREATION $238
Recreation Aide RECREATION $421
Recreation Aide RECREATION $446
Recreation Aide RECREATION $461
Recreation Aide RECREATION $521
Recreation Aide RECREATION $566
Recreation Aide RECREATION $566
Recreation Aide RECREATION $566
Recreation Aide RECREATION $670
Recreation Aide PARKS $677
Recreation Aide RECREATION $704
Recreation Aide RECREATION $820
Recreation Aide RECREATION $905
Recreation Aide RECREATION $906
Night Ranger PARKS $1,031
Recreation Aide RECREATION $1,132
Night Ranger PARKS $1,165
Recreation Aide RECREATION $1,196
Night Custodian BUILDING MAINTENANCE $1,229
Fall Sports Supervisor RECREATION $1,236
Senior Center Driver SENIOR CITIZENS $1,256
Public Works Technician PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN $1,263
Night Facility Worker FACILITIES $1,470
Streets Worker STREETS $1,482
Seasonal Code Enforcement ANIMAL CONTROL $2,809
Streets Worker STREETS $3,200
Park Maintenance Worker PARKS $3,266
Streets Worker STREETS $3,910
Receptionist WATER $3,935
Night Ranger PARKS $4,603
Night Facility Worker PARKS $4,653
Electrician STREET LIGHTING $5,404
Engineering Technician ENGINEERING $5,421
Parks Maintenance Worker PARKS $6,071
Council LEGISLATIVE $6,651
Council LEGISLATIVE $6,651
Council LEGISLATIVE $6,716
Council LEGISLATIVE $6,716
Results Found - 143
Displaying - 1 thru 50
      1  2  3      

Riverton City was updated on Oct. 26, 2012, for Fiscal Year 2012. Records based on gross compensation, including benefits and other additional pay, for the 2012 fiscal year. Benefits are not paid to the employee, but paid on behalf of the employee. Records are supplied by the State of Utah from their transparency website. Data includes a breakout of pay type for each profile/record. If a name is protected by law, the name will be displayed as "Not Provided." Users can determine actual pay by excluding reimbursements, employee benefits, meal allowances, and compensation.