Posted by: zanshin, 2007-08-10 12:42


Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

Michel Chossudovsky, 2001-09-12 (Wednesday), Global Research
A few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Bush administration concluded without supporting evidence, that "Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organisation were prime suspects". CIA Director George Tenet stated that bin Laden has the capacity to plan ``multiple attacks with little or no warning.'' Secretary of State Colin Powell called the attacks "an act of war" and President Bush confirmed in an evening televised address to the Nation that he would "make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them". Former CIA Director James Woolsey pointed his finger at "state sponsorship," implying the complicity of one or more foreign governments. In the words of former National Security Adviser, Lawrence Eagleburger, "I think we will show when we get attacked like this, we are terrible in our strength and in our retribution."

Meanwhile, parroting official statements, the Western media mantra has approved the launching of "punitive actions" directed against civilian targets in the Middle East. In the words of William Saffire writing in the New York Times: "When we reasonably determine our attackers' bases and camps, we must pulverize them -- minimizing but accepting the risk of collateral damage" -- and act overtly or covertly to destabilize terror's national hosts".

The following text outlines the history of Osama Bin Laden and the links of the Islamic "Jihad" to the formulation of US foreign policy during the Cold War and its aftermath.


Prime suspect in the New York and Washington terrorists attacks, branded by the FBI as an "international terrorist" for his role in the African US embassy bombings, Saudi born Osama bin Laden was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war "ironically under the auspices of the CIA, to fight Soviet invaders". 1

In 1979 "the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA" was launched in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in support of the pro-Communist government of Babrak Kamal.2:

With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.3
The Islamic "jihad" was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade:

In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166,...[which] authorize[d] stepped-up covert military aid to the mujahideen, and it made clear that the secret Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and encourage a Soviet withdrawal. The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in arms supplies -- a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987, ... as well as a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon specialists who traveled to the secret headquarters of Pakistan's ISI on the main road near Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There the CIA specialists met with Pakistani intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels.4
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) using Pakistan's military Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) played a key role in training the Mujahideen. In turn, the CIA sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam:

Predominant themes were that Islam was a complete socio-political ideology, that holy Islam was being violated by the atheistic Soviet troops, and that the Islamic people of Afghanistan should reassert their independence by overthrowing the leftist Afghan regime propped up by Moscow.5
Pakistan's Intelligence Apparatus
Pakistan's ISI was used as a "go-between". The CIA covert support to the "jihad" operated indirectly through the Pakistani ISI, --i.e. the CIA did not channel its support directly to the Mujahideen. In other words, for these covert operations to be "successful", Washington was careful not to reveal the ultimate objective of the "jihad", which consisted in destroying the Soviet Union.

In the words of CIA's Milton Beardman "We didn't train Arabs". Yet according to Abdel Monam Saidali, of the Al-aram Center for Strategic Studies in Cairo, bin Laden and the "Afghan Arabs" had been imparted "with very sophisticated types of training that was allowed to them by the CIA" 6

CIA's Beardman confirmed, in this regard, that Osama bin Laden was not aware of the role he was playing on behalf of Washington. In the words of bin Laden (quoted by Beardman): "neither I, nor my brothers saw evidence of American help". 7

Motivated by nationalism and religious fervor, the Islamic warriors were unaware that they were fighting the Soviet Army on behalf of Uncle Sam. While there were contacts at the upper levels of the intelligence hierarchy, Islamic rebel leaders in theatre had no contacts with Washington or the CIA.

With CIA backing and the funneling of massive amounts of US military aid, the Pakistani ISI had developed into a "parallel structure wielding enormous power over all aspects of government". 8 The ISI had a staff composed of military and intelligence officers, bureaucrats, undercover agents and informers, estimated at 150,000. 9

Meanwhile, CIA operations had also reinforced the Pakistani military regime led by General Zia Ul Haq:

'Relations between the CIA and the ISI [Pakistan's military intelligence] had grown increasingly warm following [General] Zia's ouster of Bhutto and the advent of the military regime,'... During most of the Afghan war, Pakistan was more aggressively anti-Soviet than even the United States. Soon after the Soviet military invaded Afghanistan in 1980, Zia [ul Haq] sent his ISI chief to destabilize the Soviet Central Asian states. The CIA only agreed to this plan in October 1984.... `the CIA was more cautious than the Pakistanis.' Both Pakistan and the United States took the line of deception on Afghanistan with a public posture of negotiating a settlement while privately agreeing that military escalation was the best course.10
The Golden Crescent Drug Triangle
The history of the drug trade in Central Asia is intimately related to the CIA's covert operations. Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, opium production in Afghanistan and Pakistan was directed to small regional markets. There was no local production of heroin. 11 In this regard, Alfred McCoy's study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA operation in Afghanistan, "the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world's top heroin producer, supplying 60 percent of U.S. demand. In Pakistan, the heroin-addict population went from near zero in 1979... to 1.2 million by 1985 -- a much steeper rise than in any other nation":12

CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax. Across the border in Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests ... U.S. officials had refused to investigate charges of heroin dealing by its Afghan allies `because U.S. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinated to the war against Soviet influence there.' In 1995, the former CIA director of the Afghan operation, Charles Cogan, admitted the CIA had indeed sacrificed the drug war to fight the Cold War. `Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets. We didn't really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,'... `I don't think that we need to apologize for this. Every situation has its fallout.... There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.'13
In the Wake of the Cold War
In the wake of the Cold War, the Central Asian region is not only strategic for its extensive oil reserves, it also produces three quarters of the World's opium representing multibillion dollar revenues to business syndicates, financial institutions, intelligence agencies and organized crime. The annual proceeds of the Golden Crescent drug trade (between 100 and 200 billion dollars) represents approximately one third of the Worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $500 billion.14

With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a new surge in opium production has unfolded. (According to UN estimates, the production of opium in Afghanistan in 1998-99 -- coinciding with the build up of armed insurgencies in the former Soviet republics-- reached a record high of 4600 metric tons.15 Powerful business syndicates in the former Soviet Union allied with organized crime are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes.

The ISI's extensive intelligence military-network was not dismantled in the wake of the Cold War. The CIA continued to support the Islamic "jihad" out of Pakistan. New undercover initiatives were set in motion in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Pakistan's military and intelligence apparatus essentially "served as a catalyst for the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the emergence of six new Muslim republics in Central Asia." 16.

Meanwhile, Islamic missionaries of the Wahhabi sect from Saudi Arabia had established themselves in the Muslim republics as well as within the Russian federation encroaching upon the institutions of the secular State. Despite its anti-American ideology, Islamic fundamentalism was largely serving Washington's strategic interests in the former Soviet Union.

Following the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, the civil war in Afghanistan continued unabated. The Taliban were being supported by the Pakistani Deobandis and their political party the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI). In 1993, JUI entered the government coalition of Prime Minister Benazzir Bhutto. Ties between JUI, the Army and ISI were established. In 1995, with the downfall of the Hezb-I-Islami Hektmatyar government in Kabul, the Taliban not only instated a hardline Islamic government, they also "handed control of training camps in Afghanistan over to JUI factions..." 17

And the JUI with the support of the Saudi Wahhabi movements played a key role in recruiting volunteers to fight in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.

Jane Defense Weekly confirms in this regard that "half of Taliban manpower and equipment originate[d] in Pakistan under the ISI" 18

In fact, it would appear that following the Soviet withdrawal both sides in the Afghan civil war continued to receive covert support through Pakistan's ISI. 19

In other words, backed by Pakistan's military intelligence (ISI) which in turn was controlled by the CIA, the Taliban Islamic State was largely serving American geopolitical interests. The Golden Crescent drug trade was also being used to finance and equip the Bosnian Muslim Army (starting in the early 1990s) and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In last few months there is evidence that Mujahideen mercenaries are fighting in the ranks of KLA-NLA terrorists in their assaults into Macedonia.

No doubt, this explains why Washington has closed its eyes on the reign of terror imposed by the Taliban including the blatant derogation of women's rights, the closing down of schools for girls, the dismissal of women employees from government offices and the enforcement of "the Sharia laws of punishment".20

The War in Chechnya
With regard to Chechnya, the main rebel leaders Shamil Basayev and Al Khattab were trained and indoctrinated in CIA sponsored camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to Yossef Bodansky, director of the U.S. Congress's Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, the war in Chechnya had been planned during a secret summit of HizbAllah International held in 1996 in Mogadishu, Somalia. 21 The summit, was attended by Osama bin Laden and high-ranking Iranian and Pakistani intelligence officers. In this regard, the involvement of Pakistan's ISI in Chechnya "goes far beyond supplying the Chechens with weapons and expertise: the ISI and its radical Islamic proxies are actually calling the shots in this war". 22

Russia's main pipeline route transits through Chechnya and Dagestan. Despite Washington's perfunctory condemnation of Islamic terrorism, the indirect beneficiaries of the Chechen war are the Anglo-American oil conglomerates which are vying for control over oil resources and pipeline corridors out of the Caspian Sea basin.

The two main Chechen rebel armies (respectively led by Commander Shamil Basayev and Emir Khattab) estimated at 35,000 strong were supported by Pakistan's ISI, which also played a key role in organizing and training the Chechen rebel army:

[In 1994] the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence arranged for Basayev and his trusted lieutenants to undergo intensive Islamic indoctrination and training in guerrilla warfare in the Khost province of Afghanistan at Amir Muawia camp, set up in the early 1980s by the CIA and ISI and run by famous Afghani warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. In July 1994, upon graduating from Amir Muawia, Basayev was transferred to Markaz-i-Dawar camp in Pakistan to undergo training in advanced guerrilla tactics. In Pakistan, Basayev met the highest ranking Pakistani military and intelligence officers: Minister of Defense General Aftab Shahban Mirani, Minister of Interior General Naserullah Babar, and the head of the ISI branch in charge of supporting Islamic causes, General Javed Ashraf, (all now retired). High-level connections soon proved very useful to Basayev.23
Following his training and indoctrination stint, Basayev was assigned to lead the assault against Russian federal troops in the first Chechen war in 1995. His organization had also developed extensive links to criminal syndicates in Moscow as well as ties to Albanian organized crime and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). In 1997-98, according to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) "Chechen warlords started buying up real estate in Kosovo... through several real estate firms registered as a cover in Yugoslavia" 24

Basayev's organisation has also been involved in a number of rackets including narcotics, illegal tapping and sabotage of Russia's oil pipelines, kidnapping, prostitution, trade in counterfeit dollars and the smuggling of nuclear materials (See Mafia linked to Albania's collapsed pyramids, 25 Alongside the extensive laundering of drug money, the proceeds of various illicit activities have been funneled towards the recruitment of mercenaries and the purchase of weapons.

During his training in Afghanistan, Shamil Basayev linked up with Saudi born veteran Mujahideen Commander "Al Khattab" who had fought as a volunteer in Afghanistan. Barely a few months after Basayev's return to Grozny, Khattab was invited (early 1995) to set up an army base in Chechnya for the training of Mujahideen fighters. According to the BBC, Khattab's posting to Chechnya had been "arranged through the Saudi-Arabian based [International] Islamic Relief Organisation, a militant religious organisation, funded by mosques and rich individuals which channeled funds into Chechnya".26

Concluding Remarks
Since the Cold War era, Washington has consciously supported Osama bin Laden, while at same time placing him on the FBI's "most wanted list" as the World's foremost terrorist.

While the Mujahideen are busy fighting America's war in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union, the FBI --operating as a US based Police Force- is waging a domestic war against terrorism, operating in some respects independently of the CIA which has --since the Soviet-Afghan war-- supported international terrorism through its covert operations.

In a cruel irony, while the Islamic jihad --featured by the Bush Adminstration as "a threat to America"-- is blamed for the terrorist assaults on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, these same Islamic organisations constitute a key instrument of US military-intelligence operations in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the truth must prevail to prevent the Bush Adminstration together with its NATO partners from embarking upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.


Hugh Davies, International: `Informers' point the finger at bin Laden; Washington on alert for suicide bombers, The Daily Telegraph, London, 24 August 1998.
See Fred Halliday, "The Un-great game: the Country that lost the Cold War, Afghanistan, New Republic, 25 March 1996):
Ahmed Rashid, The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, Foreign Affairs, November-December 1999.
Steve Coll, Washington Post, July 19, 1992.
Dilip Hiro, Fallout from the Afghan Jihad, Inter Press Services, 21 November 1995.
Weekend Sunday (NPR); Eric Weiner, Ted Clark; 16 August 1998.
Dipankar Banerjee; Possible Connection of ISI With Drug Industry, India Abroad, 2 December 1994.
See Diego Cordovez and Selig Harrison, Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal, Oxford university Press, New York, 1995. See also the review of Cordovez and Harrison in International Press Services, 22 August 1995.
Alfred McCoy, Drug fallout: the CIA's Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive; 1 August 1997.
Douglas Keh, Drug Money in a changing World, Technical document no 4, 1998, Vienna UNDCP, p. 4. See also Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1999, E/INCB/1999/1 United Nations Publication, Vienna 1999, p 49-51, And Richard Lapper, UN Fears Growth of Heroin Trade, Financial Times, 24 February 2000.
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board, op cit, p 49-51, see also Richard Lapper, op. cit.
International Press Services, 22 August 1995.
Ahmed Rashid, The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, Foreign Affairs, November- December, 1999, p. 22.
Quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, 3 September 1998)
Tim McGirk, Kabul learns to live with its bearded conquerors, The Independent, London, 6 November1996.
See K. Subrahmanyam, Pakistan is Pursuing Asian Goals, India Abroad, 3 November 1995.
Levon Sevunts, Who's calling the shots?: Chechen conflict finds Islamic roots in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 23 The Gazette, Montreal, 26 October 1999..
See Vitaly Romanov and Viktor Yadukha, Chechen Front Moves To Kosovo Segodnia, Moscow, 23 Feb 2000.
The European, 13 February 1997, See also Itar-Tass, 4-5 January 2000.
BBC, 29 September 1999).


Related CRG articles and documents:

Missing Link to an understanding of 9-11: The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence Agency (ISI) in the September 11 attacks, by Michel Chossudovsky.

The main justification for this war has been totally fabricated. "Osamagate," by Michel Chossudovsky.

The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in Dubai. No attempt was made to arrest him. by Alexandra Richard. 2 November 2001

"War and Globalisation": The "hidden agenda" is "to break Russia's monopoly over oil and gas transport routes" and militarise the Central Asian region. 1998 Congressional Hearing on "US Interests in Central Asia".

The Clinton Administration supported the "Militant Islamic Network". A 1997 Congressional report provides evidence from official sources of the links between the Islamic Jihad and the US government .

What was the chief of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) doing in the US in the days prior to the attacks? , by Amir Mateen.

The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan preceded the Soviet Invasion. 1998 Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski.


Updated Coverage on America's War in Central Asia and on the Implications of 9-11 at the home page of the Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) at


Copyright Michel Chossudovsky, Montreal, September 2001. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial community internet sites, provided the source and the URL are indicated, the essay remains intact and the copyright note is displayed. To publish this text in printed and/or other forms, including commercial internet sites and excerpts, contact the author at , fax: 1-514-4256224.


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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa


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Related statements

1997 CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax. Across the border in Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests ... U.S. officials had refused to investigate charges of heroin dealing by its Afghan allies `because U.S. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinated to the war against Soviet influence there.' In 1995, the former CIA director of the Afghan operation, Charles Cogan, admitted the CIA had indeed sacrificed the drug war to fight the Cold War. `Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets. We didn't really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,'... `I don't think that we need to apologize for this. Every situation has its fallout.... There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.'
-- Alfred McCoy, Drug fallout: the CIA's Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive; 1 August 1997.
1994-07 Upon graduating from Amir Muawia, Basayev was transferred to Markaz-i-Dawar camp in Pakistan to undergo training in advanced guerrilla tactics. In Pakistan, Basayev met the highest ranking Pakistani military and intelligence officers: Minister of Defense General Aftab Shahban Mirani, Minister of Interior General Naserullah Babar, and the head of the ISI branch in charge of supporting Islamic causes, General Javed Ashraf, (all now retired). High-level connections soon proved very useful to Basayev.
-- Levon Sevunts, Who's calling the shots?: Chechen conflict finds Islamic roots in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 23 The Gazette, Montreal, 26 October 1999
1994 the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence arranged for Basayev and his trusted lieutenants to undergo intensive Islamic indoctrination and training in guerrilla warfare in the Khost province of Afghanistan at Amir Muawia camp, set up in the early 1980s by the CIA and ISI and run by famous Afghani warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
-- Levon Sevunts, Who's calling the shots?: Chechen conflict finds Islamic roots in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 23 The Gazette, Montreal, 26 October 1999
1985-03 US President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166,...[which] authorize[d] stepped-up covert military aid to the mujahideen, and it made clear that the secret Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and encourage a Soviet withdrawal. The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in arms supplies -- a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987, ... as well as a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon specialists who traveled to the secret headquarters of Pakistan's ISI on the main road near Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There the CIA specialists met with Pakistani intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels.
-- Steve Coll, Washington Post, July 19, 1992
1979 / 1985 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) using Pakistan's military Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) played a key role in training the Mujahideen. In turn, the CIA sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam:

Predominant themes were that Islam was a complete socio-political ideology, that holy Islam was being violated by the atheistic Soviet troops, and that the Islamic people of Afghanistan should reassert their independence by overthrowing the leftist Afghan regime propped up by Moscow
-- Dilip Hiro, Fallout from the Afghan Jihad, Inter Press Services, 21 November 1995.
1979 With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.
-- Ahmed Rashid, The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, Foreign Affairs, November-December 1999

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2007-05-02Country Reports on Terrorism -- Briefing on Release of 2006
2007-05-02Country Reports on Terrorism -- Chapter 2 -- Country Reports: Africa Overview
2007-08-12How the ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Went Bad
2006-10-27Dick Cheney’s Song of America
2007-01-14Natural Resources are Fuelling a New Cold War
2007-03-21Chris Hedges: The Christian Right’s War on America
2008-06-24Chomsky Speaks -- On Iraq, Iran and Norman Finkelstein
2008-02-24Strategy and the Limitation of War
2008-02-29Islamist Bubbles -- Beware the light at the end of the Islamist tunnel
2008-06-06Between the Rule of Power and the Power of Rule: In Search of an Effective World Order
2008-04-23Religious Extremism: Muslim Challenge And Islamic Response
2007-10-02A Tale of Extraordinary Renditions and Double-Standards -- THE FORGOTTEN PRISONER
2007-10-03Why the United States Invaded Iraq and is Now Thinking About Invading Iran
2008-01-11The General in his Labyrinth
2007-12-29His Toughness Problem — and Ours
2007-12-27A Conversation With Benazir Bhutto
2007-12-03Sudan: Humanitarian Crisis, Peace Talks, Terrorism, and U.S. Policy
2007-12-10Timeline: the al-Qaida tapes
2007-11-13The Deadly Embrace
2007-11-04While Pakistan Burns
2009-01-21Iran: Breaking the Nuclear Deadlock -- A Chatham House Report
2008-11-24Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World -- Executive Summary
2008-12-06Obama's War Cabinet
2008-12-10Profile: Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure) (a.k.a. Lashkar e-Tayyiba, Lashkar e-Toiba; Lashkar-i-Taiba)
2008-12-15Pakistan’s Balkanization
2009-05-10Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 -- Chapter 4: The Global Challenge of WMD Terrorism
2009-05-11Riga Summit Declaration
2009-02-11Renewing American Leadership
2008-10-31Preventing and Responding to Internal Conflict: When is it Right for Others to Intervene?
2008-11-05Post cold war Indian foreign policy
2008-11-07Country Reports on Terrorism -- Chapter 2 -- Country Reports: Middle East and North Africa Overview
2008-11-19Leonid Ivashov: September 11, 2001: A Global Provocation
2008-08-11Rethinking the National Interest -- American Realism for a New World
2008-08-04Intensify the witch-hunt -- Making us safer is not the aim
2008-08-26The Russian Empire Strikes Back
2008-09-12Afghanistan After Seven Years of War -- You Call This a Good War?
2008-09-26Copenhagen Consensus 2008 Challenge Paper Terrorism
2007-03-24Is the American Empire on the Brink of Collapse?
2007-04-04Breaking Ranks -- What turned Brent Scowcroft against the Bush Administration?
2007-04-069-11 AND THE SMOKING GUN -- Part 1: 'Independent' commission
2007-04-069-11 AND THE SMOKING GUN -- Part 2: A real smoking gun
2007-04-12A Conversation With Vladimir Bukovsky
2007-01-27My Worst Moment As a Lawyer
2006-12-04Afghanistan: No blood for oil - this time
2006-12-03Baghdad Year Zero - Pillaging Iraq in pursuit of a neocon utopia
2007-01-09Despite their shoddy track record on Iraq analysis, O'Reilly trusts only "my military analysts
2006-10-25The new Great Game
2007-07-29Al-Qaida: the unwanted guests
2007-05-03National Security Briefing == Presented to then-Governor Bush
2007-05-15The New Demographic Balance in Europe and its Consequences
2007-06-01The Importance of Being Lucid
2007-07-04Renewing American Leadership
2007-07-17A world wide web of terror
2007-06-19Comparing US & Palestine homicide rates
2007-11-05Commentary: Geopolitical nightmare
2007-11-12NATO Expands into Arab South
2007-12-22Clinton on Foreign Policy at University of Nebraska
2008-01-02Turkish accession to the European union: challenges and opportunities
2008-01-21Stabilization and Democratization: Renewing the Transatlantic Alliance
2007-10-30Michael Ledeen discusses the Iranian Time Bomb
2007-11-01Noam Chomsky - Controlled Asset Of The New World Order
2007-08-20A False Choice in Pakistan
2008-04-13Holistic Integrative Analysis of International Change: A Commentary on Teaching Emergent Futures
2008-04-05The Coming of Eurabia
2008-06-16The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
2008-05-26The Failed States Index 2007
2008-03-15Russia throws a wrench in NATO's works
2008-02-22Three blind men confront the elephant that is this globalization era’s radical extremist reaction--and surprise! They all see a different beast!
2008-02-23The Two Faces of Saudi Arabia
2008-01-31Israeli-Turkish military cooperation: Iranian perceptions and responses
2008-02-06The 2007 Irving Kristol Lecture by Bernard Lewis
2008-07-05Symposium: Israel's Test
2008-07-15A war waiting to happen
2008-09-12A Grim Anniversary
2008-08-21The Breaking Point -- A New Age of Torture
2008-08-25The changes in the fight against illegal immigration in the Euro-Mediterranean area and in Euro-Mediterranean relations
2008-08-07Brzezinski’s bunker
2008-11-16Bill Moyers Journal -- November 14, 2008 -- Transcript
2008-11-08United States Fateful Choice: Save Afghanistan Or Save Pakistan?
2008-10-29Sarkozy, France, and Nato -- Will Sarkozy’s Rapprochement To Nato Be Sustainable?
2008-10-18Enoch Powell and the Rise of Political Correctness in Britain
2008-10-07A wild frontier -- Pakistan’s tribal areas
2009-02-22In the face of chaos
2009-05-12Rebranding the Long War, Part 1 -- Obama does his Bush impression
2009-05-12Rebranding the Long War, Part 2 -- Balochistan is the ultimate prize
2009-05-10Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 -- Chapter 2. Country Reports: Western Hemisphere Overview
2009-05-10Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 -- Chapter 1. Strategic Assessment
2009-05-08A Leadership Review of the Barack Obama Administration
2008-12-15New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade
2009-06-07The Wages of Hubris and Vengeance -- The Future of Israel and the Decline of the American Empire
2011-08-18A "humanitarian War" On Syria? Military Escalation. Towards A Broader Middle East-central Asian War?
2013-02-09It Has Happened Here -- The Police State Is Real
2007-06-16The Osama Files
2007-07-13The New York Times Surrenders -- A monument to defeatism on the editorial page
2007-07-10Muslims in Europe: Country guide
2007-06-08Remarks at the Centennial Dinner for the Economic Club of New York
2007-05-03Timeline: Al-Qaeda
2007-05-10Six Nightmares: Real Threats in a Dangerous World and How America Can Meet Them
2007-05-02Country Reports on Terrorism -- Chapter 2 -- Country Reports: Western Hemisphere Overview
2007-04-25Gravy Train: Feeding The Pentagon By Feeding Somalia
2007-08-08Red Mosque: Endgame for Musharraf?
2006-09-25Richard Clarke 9/11 prepared testimony
2006-09-29Afghanistan: Why NATO cannot win
2006-08-21Why Bush should go to Tel Aviv - and confront Iran
2007-01-23Crusading in the Arc of Instability - George Bush's Crusading Scorecard (2001-2007)
2007-01-23Al Jazeera's Global Gamble- A PEJ Interview - Al Jazeera Timeline
2007-01-24President Bush’s State of the Union Address
2007-02-20Transformational Diplomacy
2007-03-03Scapegoating Pakistan
2007-04-05"Promoting Democracy: A Progressive Foreign Policy Agenda".
2007-04-02From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq
2007-03-14Timeline of events in the Cold War
2008-06-18The Future of American Power -- How America Can Survive the Rise of the Rest
2008-01-31THE NEW WORLD ORDER' -- A Critique and Chronology
2008-02-22Conversations in International Relations: Interview with John J. Mearsheimer (Part II)
2008-02-14The Much Exaggerated Death of Europe
2008-03-03Us and Them -- The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism
2008-06-01Why NATO Troops Can't Deliver Peace in Afghanistan
2008-04-16A Review of the Seminar ‘the Security of Energy Supplies: the Role of NATO and Other International Organisations’
2008-04-22A Warning to Africa: The New U.S. Imperial Grand Strategy
2008-05-04Rush Interviews Andrew McCarthy
2007-08-13The Limits of Multiculturalism - The Dutch Labor Party and Islam
2007-08-29President Bush Addresses the 89th Annual National Convention of the American Legion
2007-09-16How Al-Qa'idah 'martyrs' enter Iraq
2007-10-23Torture in the Name of Freedom
2007-09-20Fight the U.S., al Qaeda's Zawahri says in new video
2008-01-15Militants Escape Control of Pakistan, Officials Say
2007-12-29European Union-Russia summit a diplomatic debacle
2007-12-29Russia, Iran tighten the energy noose
2008-01-08Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer Announces Top Risks and Red Herrings for 2008
2007-12-22Iran - Nuclear Chronology - 2005
2007-12-28How Pakistan Works
2007-11-07Blood borders -- How a better Middle East would look
2007-11-20The Neoconservative Moment
2007-12-07A new Chinese red line over Iran
2012-06-18Secret ‘kill List’ Proves A Test Of Obama’s Principles And Will -- A Measure Of Change
2009-07-19Turkey and Russia on the Rise
2009-07-23U.s. Recruit Reveals How Qaeda Trains Foreigners
2009-09-12No Escape From Guantánamo -- The Latest Habeas Corpus Rulings
2009-06-13Remarks By The President On A New Beginning
2008-12-27Opening Statement before the International Military Tribunal
2008-11-26Understanding the Beijing Consensus
2008-11-27Enemies from within: Iran and Saudi Arabia
2009-05-10Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 -- Chapter 2. Country Reports: South and Central Asia Overview
2009-04-04Can Pakistan Be Governed?
2008-10-11What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response
2008-10-12Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic
2008-11-08For Eyes of President-Elect Obama Only
2008-11-20'Eurasia and Europe should Cooperate against America' interview with Alexandr Dugin
2008-08-01The Democrats & National Security
2008-08-25Securitarism, reproduction of disorder and erosion of democratic rule of law
2008-09-12The Return of U. S. Death Squads
2008-09-02Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation: A High Stakes US Gamble with Russia
2008-09-27Domestic Spying, Inc.
2008-09-12"End States Who Sponsor Terrorism"
2008-09-16Official American Sadism
2007-03-14Sweden: Restrictive Immigration Policy and Multiculturalism
2007-03-15The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians
2007-03-05Timeline: al-Qaida
2007-03-03The Iraq insurgency for beginners
2007-02-20Russia's hudna with the Muslim world
2007-02-18After Neoconservatism
2006-12-31"They Take The Mind, and What Emerges is Just Tapioca Pudding"
2006-12-08WHAT'S IN A NAME - World War IV - Let's call this conflict what it is
2006-12-11Urbanizing War/Militarizing Cities - The city as strategic site
2006-09-03Transcript - President Bush's Speech
2006-09-12The Nation That Fell to Earth
2006-09-12The Bubble of American Supremacy
2006-10-18The Clash of Cultures and American Hegemony
2006-10-26Musharraf's confessions
2007-08-08Monsieur Lévy’s Working Holiday
2007-07-31CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
2007-06-07How Permanent Are Those Bases?
2007-06-05President Bush Visits Prague, Czech Republic, Discusses Freedom
2007-06-06Nato’s Islamists
2007-05-31The Case for Bombing Iran
2007-07-01Democratic Realism -- An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World
2007-06-16African Gothic
2007-06-17Gen. Wesley Clark Weighs Presidential Bid: "I Think About It Everyday
2007-06-22Lessons from Madrid bombing
2007-12-08September 11, 2001: The French Knew Much About It
2007-12-09The History and Unwritten Future of Salafism
2007-12-18Time for smart power
2007-12-13Crisis of Faith in the Muslim World
2007-12-02Follow the drugs: US shown the way
2007-11-13The new wars of religion
2007-11-14The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union
2007-11-11 case number IT-04-74-T, the Prosecutor versus Prlic et al
2007-12-27Pakistan: Luck Running Out?
2007-12-22Bush/Gore Second Presidential Debate October 11
2008-01-06American al Qaeda militant urges attacks on Bush
2008-01-24A Moral Core for U.S. Foreign Policy
2007-09-24Betrayed -- The Iraqis who trusted America the most
2007-10-05Drum beaters for Iran war should think again
2007-10-15The new Taliban
2007-08-29Making America Safer by Defeating Extremists in the Middle East
2008-04-29The Man Between War and Peace
2008-05-14Resisting the Empire
2008-05-17The world health report 2007 : a safer future : global public health security in the 21st century.
2008-04-05Is Iran Next? The Importance of Geopolitics
2008-04-05The Turkish Experiment with Westernization
2008-06-06Stumbling toward Eurabia
2008-03-24Globalization And The Development Of Underdevelopment Of The Third World
2008-03-19The new liberal imperialism
2008-03-23Dissecting the Danish Cartoon Controversy
2008-03-06"Victory Would be a Fata Morgana"
2008-03-10God’s Country
2008-02-18The Next Christianity
2008-02-02A Statesman Without Borders
2008-02-08The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism
2008-02-08Assessing the Islamist Threat, Circa 1946
2008-02-12Third report on the Netherlands -- CRI(2008)3
2008-06-27President Delivers "State of the Union"
2008-07-02The Story Behind George Bush's Lies -- What Scott McClellan (and Jay Rockefeller) Didn't Tell Us
2008-07-28The Geopolitics of Iran: Holding the Center of a Mountain Fortress
2008-09-13Western Migration to Eastern and Central Europe
2008-09-20How We Misunderstand Terrorism
2008-09-02Torture and liberty
2008-08-28Vice President's Remarks on the 90th National Convention of the American Legion
2008-08-14Black Gold Against the Soul -- Book Review
2008-08-19Double Standards in the Global War on Terror
2008-07-31Drilling in Afghanistan
2008-08-06Douglas Feith's War and Decision: Life in a Neocon's Parallel Universe
2008-08-12The Myth of Grass-Roots Terrorism -- Why Osama bin Laden Still Matters
2008-11-19Afghanistan – Worth the Sacrifice -- John Hutton Address
2008-11-11The Case for Restraint -- Ruth Wedgwood responds
2008-11-10Fighting the real fight
2008-11-06Country Reports on Terrorism -- Chapter 2 -- Country Reports: Africa Overview
2008-11-01The End Of Arrogance -- America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role
2008-10-13Letter to Chairman Rockefeller and Vice Chairman Bond
2008-10-30Pakistan: Waiting with bated breath
2009-05-10Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 -- Chapter 2. Country Reports: Africa Overview
2009-05-08The Trilateral Commission -- Membership 2008
2009-05-22The New Old-Time Geography of Conflict
2009-02-11The Myth of Grand Strategy
2008-12-07Obama’s Speech in Berlin -- Transcript
2008-12-25India's Reckless Road to Washington -- Through Tel Aviv
2008-12-22Manama Dialogue (Bahrain) As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates
2008-12-18The failed Muslim states to come
2009-01-06Expanding War, Contracting Meaning -- The Next President and the Global War on Terror
2009-07-07President Barack Obama???s Moscow speech
2009-07-16Why we must win in Afghanistan
2007-06-12Singing CAIR’s Tune, On Your Dime
2007-07-07Bin Laden tape: Text
2007-07-07Why They Really 'Hate Us'
2007-07-12Republic or empire: A National Intelligence Estimate on the United States
2007-07-16The Lose-Lose War
2007-06-01Islam in the West
2007-05-30The Arabian candidate
2007-06-08Race and Slavery in the Middle East
2007-05-17Rehabilitating US Imperialism
2007-05-26ROVING IN THE RED ZONE; The true heart of darkness
2007-05-29President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with NATO Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer
2007-04-23Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s First Post-Soviet Leader, Is Dead
2007-05-03Sharia Crisis in Nigeria
2007-07-26Bush ties Al Qaeda in Iraq to Sept. 11
2007-07-24Highlights in the History of U.S. Relations With Russia, 1780-June 2006
2007-07-25Bush Still Doesn't Get It
2007-07-31Franco – Arab Ties Could Yet Survive Sarkozy’s U-Turn
2007-08-05The End of Cowboy Diplomacy
2007-08-09Is Pakistan Likely to Become a Taliban State?
2006-10-27What Went Wrong in Iraq
2006-11-02World entering dangerous era of US impotence
2006-09-17Triple-pronged Jihad -- Military, Economic and Cultural
2006-09-09United States Secretary of State Colin Powell discusses recent concerns
2006-08-27Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts
2006-09-03Back from the Brink - Interview - Dr. Arjun Makhijani
2006-08-23Something old, something new
2006-08-21Ask the expert: Bush’s foreign policy
2006-05-01Voices Baffled, Brash and Irate in Guantánamo
2006-05-01Political Islam -- Forty shades of green
2006-12-26The Great Game on a razor's edge
2007-02-20Misplaying North Korea and Losing Friends and Influence in Northeast Asia
2007-03-01Interview with Claude Moniquet, anti-terrorism specialist
2007-01-25MIDDLE EAST - Timeline of recent developments
2007-02-10Q&A: Neocon power examined
2007-03-16Forrest Gump of Manufactured Terrorism Confesses from Gitmo Dungeon
2007-03-13The Demography of Europe
2007-03-18Terrorists Proving Harder to Profile -- European Officials Say Traits of Suspected Islamic Extremists Are Constantly Shifting
2008-07-28The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse
2008-07-22The Failed States Index 2008
2008-07-28Rome Diary: Italy's Leap Into The Dark
2008-07-02The Impeachment of George W. Bush
2008-06-25Samson's Fate
2008-06-27Daughter of the Enlightenment
2008-07-15Speech by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia