Restaurant inspection database

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Restaurant inspections are carried out by the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control's Food Protection program. The State obtains data weekly through S.C. Freedom of Information Act requests. This data is presented as is. Questions about inspections and results should be directed to DHEC staff. For DHEC's FAQ on inspections, click here.

Search tips: You do not need to fill in all the fields, and you can do some sorting once your search results are displayed, by clicking the arrows at the head of each column.

Note that only records from the previous 365 days are returned, and of those, only the first 250 records are displayed per search. If your search is too broad, try narrowing the scope to ensure you get all your data. However, when you change the sort order of a column, the reordered results draw on the full dataset, not just the first 250 records returned from your original search.

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A - An establishment having a rating score of 88-100 points. These facilities typically exhibit very good to acceptable levels of sanitation during an unannounced routine inspection.

B - An establishment having a rating score of 78-87 points. These facilities typically exhibit acceptable to marginal levels of sanitation during an unannounced routine inspection.

C - An establishment having a rating score of 77-70 points. These facilities typically exhibit poor to marginal levels of sanitation during an unannounced routine inspection.


(From the DHEC FAQ):

Routine inspection
Routine inspections are unannounced, full and comprehensive evaluation visits of the entire physical establishment and all aspects of safe food handling practices in an establishment. The rating score for this type of inspection is reflective of violations normally cited on an unannounced visit and sometimes may result in a lowered rating score.

Follow-up inspection
Follow-up inspections are made to verify compliance or corrective action subsequent to a previous inspection. The rating score for this type of inspection is reflective of management`s opportunity to correct items cited on the previous routine inspection and almost always results in a higher rating score.

Complaint inspection
A complaint inspection conducted in response to a citizen reporting unsanitary conditions or unsafe food handling practices at an establishment.

Training inspection
A training inspection is a scheduled visit in cooperation with management for the purpose of conducting training or providing a presentation on food safety issues to food handlers at the establishment.

Pre-opening (site) inspection
Pre-opening or site inspections are scheduled to approve a newly constructed or remodeled establishment (or installation of new equipment) prior to a permit being issued and an establishment beginning operation. This gives the operator an opportunity to correct any remaining items which have to be corrected before a permit can be issued.

Permit inspection
Unlike a site inspection, a permit inspection is one that is scheduled to issue a permit. An establishment that is ready to be permitted will have made application for a permit with the local environmental health office and the facility will have everything ready as if the establishment were ready to open on that day. For example, If all the refrigeration units in the establishment was not ready to be turned on, a permit would not be issued.

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