
ADST benefits from the generous services of volunteers who perform an essential part of the production of our Oral History Collection.  Many volunteers have had Foreign Service careers; they have served with distinction as Ambassadors, Charges d' Affaires, Consuls General, and experts in political, economic, public diplomacy, administrative, and consular affairs.  Volunteers from academia also find working with ADST worthwhile. Spouses of Foreign Service personnel have made significant contributions as ADST volunteers, as they often combine experience in living abroad with desirable specific professional expertise in editing, computer skills, and publishing.


Volunteers living in the Washington, DC area are invited to work with us at our offices on the NFATC campus in Arlington, Virginia, or to execute projects off-site and meet with ADST at agreed intervals. Volunteers who live outside Washington may donate their services through telecommuting.  If you are interested in our mission and would like to continue to have contact with the Foreign Service, please get in touch with us to discuss a volunteer program tailored to your talents and working situation.  Contacts:  Ambassador Kenneth Brown, President; Charles Stuart Kennedy for the Oral History Project or Business Manager Marilyn Bentley for the Spouse History Program.   


ADST is profoundly grateful to all of the volunteers collaborating with us.  Among those who have given exceptional support are:


Mr. Dayton S. Mak, Retired FSO

The Honorable Raymond C. Ewing

Mr. David Reuther, Retired FSO

The Honorable J. Peter Moffat

Mr. Thomas Stern, Retired FSO

Ms. Sue Klingaman, Retired FSO

Mr. Thomas J. Dunnigan, Retired FSO   

Location: NFATC / Foreign Service Institute
4000 Arlington Blvd., Arlington, Virginia
Tel: 703-302-6990; Fax: 703-302-6799
Mailing address: ADST c/o Bentley, 2814 N. Underwood St., Arlington, VA 22213

Copyright © 2010, Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training