Neediest Cases Make a Donation

Tuesday December 21, 2010
Widower struggling to clothe his four children

As many parents already know, children often outgrow their clothing very quickly.

This single father has been struggling to keep his children dressed for the winter months. He's 36 and has been raising four children alone on an $8-an-hour job since his wife died in a car accident last spring, the family's caseworker said.

The mother worked, and the family's income was cut in half after her death, the caseworker said.

"With rising utility costs, it's really hard for him to make sure the children have warm clothing and boots," the caseworker said.

The father is raising 15-year-old twins, a 12-year-old and 10-year-old.

Their greatest need right now, the caseworker said, is winter coats.

"The twins are wearing coats that are too small for them," the caseworker said. All of the children also need winter boots.

The family's washing machine also recently broke and it would cost more to fix than it is worth.

This hard-working dad loves his children and hates that he has to struggle to provide for them, the caseworker said. Whenever he can, he tries to find odd jobs on the weekends to supplement their income.

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