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  • Top 10 TV Theme Songs

    We combed the Hot 100 for this "Miami Vice"-keytartastic, "Friends"-infused list of the ten highest charting TV themes since 1980. Find out what tune took the top spot.

  • Britney Blasts Onto Radio

    Britney's "Hold It Against Me" is already burning up the charts. See what radio programmers across the country are saying about Ms. Spears' massive new single.

  • Jay-Z & Kanye Go 'H.A.M.'

    Does the first single from Jay-Z and Kanye West's 'Watch the Throne' live up to your expectations? Listen to 'H.A.M.' and tell us what you think.

  • Mary J. Is 40 (and Fabulous!)

    Happy birthday to the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul. Help us salute Mary J. Blige and 33 other stars who are staying fabulous in their 40s.

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