Boyd Tonkin: He probes Jewishness – and human identity itself

At last, many fans will sigh. Other Howard Jacobson admirers will have dared to hope that this year their plea – "If not now, when?" – would find an answer. It has. Jacobson has delighted, stimulated, perplexed and even infuriated readers with 11 novels since, in 1983, Coming From Behind converted the woes of an ailing polytechnic into the funniest campus novel since Lucky Jim. He has made 'em laugh, made 'em cry, and made 'em wait. Over the past decade, The Mighty Walker, Kalooki Nights and The Act of Love looked like staying the Booker course. Yet The Finkler Question grabs the prize. A surprise? Not necessarily. Once this jury had proclaimed its taste for seriously comic fiction, the novel looked as if it had pace and legs.

The Finkler Question almost counts as Essence of Jacobson – even if one of the questions of faith and commitment it so robustly explores turns on the impossibility of defining an essence apart its accidental phenomena. Those phenomena have to do, as often before, with the liminal lives and times of Anglo-Jewry, torn between Continental (and global) tragedy and insular security, between the burdens of history and belief and the temptations – and pleasures – of a suburbanised heritage.

Yet (typical Jacobson) he tells these truths at a slant, and the disorientating angle gives leverage to his comedy. For at the novel's centre stands (or slouches) not Sam Finkler himself, the homespun media philosopher who seeks the remnants of the spirit in the ruins of doctrine. And not Libor Sevcik, the messenger from a totalitarian past who functions as a half-unwilling totem of atrocious 20th-century events. No: at the core of the action stands Julian Treslove, career failure at the BBC. And not Jewish at all – except in his fond aspiration. But for what? That is The Finkler Question, which probes the nature not only of Jewishness but of human culture and identity itself.

As the Babylonian rabbi Hillel the Elder asked just before that too-familiar question ("If not now, when?"), "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am I?" Judaism, as Jacobson explores it as culture and conduct far more than as religious practice, may have pivoted on those puzzles over several millennia. So, if they have any existential curiosity about their place in the world, so has every other people. The Finkler Question offers just the opposite of an "ethnic" or "exotic" Man Booker victor.

  • Jewish identity? We gave them Palestine so that they could relate to their identity and look where that has landed us.
  • Rcartes
    I've never even been able to get to the end of one of Jacobson's articles in the Indy without (metaphorically) hurling the paper into a corner of the room, he's such a tedious writer. So I don't think I'll be struggling with his latest book.
  • theomnivore
    No answers about the mysterious past of Mr Tonkin but if you want to know more about the critical reception of the Booker Prize nominees... The Omnivore has pored over newspapers and literary journals to bring you all the reviews for the shortlisted books ... including the reviews for the winner: Howard Jacobson's The Finkler Question. Read our roundups here:
  • Odalchini
    Maybe because this column is about a book which relates to Jewish identity, but not about Middle East / Arab-Israeli issues. The former could perhaps be commented on reasonably (though comments thus far don't augur well), but the latter cannot - everything that can be said or ranted about Middle East / Arab-Israeli issues has already been said or ranted, over and over again, so that sadly, comment threads for articles on those issues long ago became simply repetitions of people talking past each other, with no-one changing anyone else's point of view by a hairsbreadth.
    Is he not an early USSR Movie masterpiece ? - "The Battle Ship Boyd Tonkin" ?!
  • giuseppesapone
    Howard Jacobson is a cypher but who on earth is Boyd Tonkin?
    How strange it is that one can comment on this interesting but hardly vital article but cannot comment on Middle East / Arab -Israeli Issues . I for one would like to remark on the Holocaust- denying , women - stoning President of Iran and his hypocritical hand - wringing over the undoubted tragedies of the people of Lebanon but am unable to do so because there is never any comment area after such reports in THE INDY . This is a denial of free speech to all points of view .
  • theomnivore
    The Omnivore has pored over newspapers and literary journals to bring you all the reviews for the shortlisted books ... including the reviews for Howard Jacobson's The Finkler Question. Read our roundups here:
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