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Contrary to Misleading Text Messages, Election Day is November 4th

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A recent email smear falsely claims Michelle ordered room service, but she never even stayed at the hotel.

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The McCain campaign is maliciously distorting Barack’s strong record on crime.

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Obama has always been a Democrat, despite what “partisan attack dog" Stanley Kurtz claims about the New Party.

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Barack's campaign is funded by millions of everyday Americans, not the foreigners claimed in email smears.

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Fight back against “hateful,” “vicious,” and "desperate" robocalls and mailers.

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Obama’s connection to Bill Ayers is "phony," "tenuous," "exaggerated at best if not outright false."

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Columbia University scholar Rashid Khalidi is not one of Barack’s foreign policy advisors.

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Discredited Swift Boat smear-master Jerome Corsi is peddling more lies about Barack and Kenya’s Raila Odinga.

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Attacks claiming Obama secretly tried to sway the Iraqi government to ignore Bush policy are completely false.

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Obama doesn’t take advice from Fannie Mae execs, despite claims made by smear emails and McCain attack ads.

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Republican voter-suppression guru Ken Blackwell falsely claimed Barack was an organizer for ACORN.

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Voters who arrive at the polls wearing campaign gear such as buttons or T-shirts can still vote.

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A fallen soldier’s mother is “ecstatic” Barack mentioned her son's bracelet during the presidential debate.

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The NRA is pushing misleading research and distorted claims about Barack's record on illegal guns.

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Radical anti-abortion ideologues are running ads that make wild 'Born Alive' accusations against Barack Obama

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An amateur web video attacking Barack Obama's faith is full of outright lies.

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A campaign vendor has already retracted an angry email claiming that Joe Biden owes him thousands of dollars.

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Jerome Corsi attacks Barack with lies and distortions in new hit book.

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The Swift Boaters are back with a TV ad that falsifies and exaggerates in order to tie Barack to William Ayers.

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Barack was honored to visit our troops overseas, but that didn’t stop email smears from claiming otherwise.

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Barack Obama is a committed Christian, not a Muslim.

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The preposterous “whitey” attack against Michelle Obama is completely disproven.

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Smear emails are spreading a “pack of lies” about Barack raising taxes on ridiculous things like water.

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Michelle Obama loves her country. Attempts to take comments about patriotism out of context are ridiculous.

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Barack Obama loves his flag and country. Attacks on Barack’s patriotism are completely false.

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The American flag on the Obama campaign plane is easy to see.

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Barack Obama was born in America. Shadowy claims that he has no birth certificate are completely false.

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Distorted and fabricated quotes from Barack’s books on race and religion are being used to manipulate the public.

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