Dr David Barry ND DC - Naturopathic Physician & Chiropractor
Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct system of primary health care which aims to promote, restore and maintain health, and is guided by the Naturopathic principles:
1)Vis medicatrix naturae- the healing power of nature. Naturopathic physicians recognize there is a "vital force" which drives the innate, self-correcting mechanisms of the body. Naturopathic physicians aim to help facilitate this process.  

 2) Tolle causum- identify and treat the underlying cause of illness. Natural medicine seeks to identify and remove the factors contributing to illness. Whenever possible, the suppression of symptoms is avoided.  
3) Docere- the Latin origin for Doctor is Docere, which literally means "Teacher". Naturopathic Physicians educate, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health.  

4)Treat the Whole Person- Treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. 

5) Primum non nocere- "First Do No Harm". Naturopathic Physicians use low-risk procedures and healing compounds-such as dietary supplements, herbal extracts and homeopathy- with few or no side effects. They also customize diagnosis and treatment plans to fit each individual patient.  
6) Prevention- Proactive medicine saves money, pain, misery and lives. Naturopathic Physicians evaluate risk factors, heredity and vulnerability to disease. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" has never been more true. 

Call today to schedule an appointment or to find out how you can benefit from Natural Medicine:  425.891.1581