The Talking Clock is proud to be an independent UKIP supporting blog.

"I'm only trying to highlight a problem that is going on all around the world, that's all..."
- Diana, Princess of Wales, 1997

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Tuesday, 5 January 2010

ClimateGate: No let up from Lord Monckton

Note: This interview has now been superseded. A more recent interview can be found HERE.


Note added 2nd February 2010 - ahh, this post. When this blog first posted these interview clips, we thought it a routine enough little post that this tiny little blog (which previously has 20-30 visitors per day) thought interesting. Ever since this blog post went up, the number of visitors to this page of our blog has been relentless. The blog has been mistakenly thought of as somehow connected to Lord Monckton - which it isn't. We even added text to the header to make that abundantly clear. Doesn't seem to make any difference.

If you are looking for Lord Monckton's blog, it is HERE.

Reminds us of those T-shirts that say 'Sod Google, ask me'.

News on ClimateGate may have become rather thin on the ground... in the mainstream media.

However, Lord Christopher Monckton - champion of truth and freedom - has certainly not let matters rest.

In his latest in-depth interview with the fearless and often brilliant U.S. broadcaster Alex Jones, he outlines the latest situation, as he sees it... and the actions that he has been taking.

He also warns and suggests that normal people are waking up to the fact that the political class, through global tyranny, mean us "genuine harm".

The Talking Clock's full archive of Lord Monckton related posts can be found HERE.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant - at least one senior member is speaking out about treachery and tyranny

Ikonoklast said...

Whilst I do sympathise to a degree, with the talking points in Chaplin's speech, too much of it seems like the precursor to Lennon's sappy song, "Imagine". In a world where no matter what YOU may wish things to be, instead there are jihadis who want to put the whole world under the boot of extremists and shari'ah, where we have neomarxist aka socialist aka leftist types, who want to be in control so they can tell everyone else how to live and they can control the people, and in a world where there are NWO types, Bilderburgers, and others who think they're the most qualified to rule the world as some modern version of Plato's Repbulic,there's no common ground for these Chaplinesque / Lennonesque pipe dreams, only commonality in wanting to control others.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! You are exposing clearly what is going on. We now live in a world where lies and delusion are the key political parameters. The extreme Socialists are attempting to control the World with their fraudulent propaganda, whilst they make large fortunes for themselves and their cronies. They dislike democracy and want to replace it with unelected bureaucracy without any sanction from the people. In the EU we have already now have this with the Lisbon Treaty. Our former democracy has now been disolved.

The only only defence we have is for the people to rise up against them, to express their refusal to accept their tyranny.

Anonymous said...

I've only just discovered this site, it's great to see information that's suspiciously absent from mainstream media. Visitors might appreciate a link to 'America: From Freedom to Fascism' which is free to view on Google. A brilliant documentary and very relevant to the EU travesty. Keep up the good work!

The Talking Clock said...

Thank you for the kind encouragement. This blog agrees that America: From Freedom to Fascism is well worth watching.

We are going to be having something similar up very soon - the new Jason Bermas film looks more relevant to an international audience and we'll probably help them promote it from next week on.

Thank you again for the encouragement. Keep tickety boo!

The Talking Clock

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