Sgt. Conker We are "absolutely fine"


Until we improve the indexing of articles, you can see the full list of hosted articles here.

To post an article to Sgt. Conker just send an email to and we will format and submit the article for you.
You can send them in .doc, .txt or .html.

To help in our process you can add formatting to your text so we know how you would like the content to be displayed.
&#91code] and [/code]
&#91code] and [/code]
around code blocks.

All articles will go through a process of review before submission to the website.

Here are a list of articles subjects we would love to see on our website.

  • Game Design
  • 3D Terrain
  • Particles
  • Shaders
  • 3D Water
  • Physics
  • Bloom Post Processing
  • Blur Post Processing
  • How to make a game
  • 3D Animation
  • Audio
  • Middleware tools
  • Content Pipeline
  • Tilegrids
  • Keyboard, mouse, touch, pad Input

Important: All articles that contain source code should provide a license for it. Any submissions which do not, you will be contacted to choose a license for your source code. If one cannot be agreed we retain the right to refuse the publication of your article on Sgt. Conker

Here is a good place to get pre made licenses for your source code.
If you're not sure, we recommend the Ms-Pl