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  • Science Under Attack

    Nobel Prize winner Sir Paul Nurse examines why science appears to be under attack, and why public trust in key scientific theories has been eroded – from the theory that man-made climate change is warming our planet, to the safety of GM food, or that HIV causes AIDS.

    He interviews scientists and campaigners from both sides of the climate change debate, and travels to New York to meet Tony, who has HIV but doesn’t believe that that the virus is responsible for AIDS.

    This is a passionate defence of the importance of scientific evidence and the power of experiment, and a look at what scientists themselves need to do to earn trust in controversial areas of science in the 21st century.

    Broadcast January 24, 2011 on BBC. From the on-going Horizon series.

    Science Under Attack , 5.0 out of 6 based on 6 ratings
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    Posted on Saturday, January 29th, 2011 under Science, Tech. Discuss This Documentary.

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    3 Responses to “Science Under Attack”

    1. Durey #

      Now that was not in the least bit biased.

      Excuse the sarcasm. If I was concerned about the validity of climate change science before, I am convinced its bogus now.

      People are concerned about GM crops because it has genes in it?? What did he do?? Go to a school for the intellectually challenged and ask that question?

      • IAYEO #

        I sense some bias in your comment

        Facts are the only thing that matters

        You have none

        • Durey #

          So funny. You have no idea what I have.

          Even high school students know that genes mutate without assistance, when the mutation is unsuccessful (does not enhance the survival chances of the organism) the change does not take hold, when it is successful it does. When we interfere with natural selection at the genetic level, we cannot truly predict what the outcomes of that interference will be.

          Why are so many farmers in India committing suicide over Monsanto’s round up ready soy. It does not bind nitrogen to the soil like natural soy does, eliminating one the most important functions of soy in farming, and making their fields infertile. These guys are going broke and cannot face their families’ descent into poverty. Just one in a litany of environmental and other catastrophes due to genetically modified crops.

          Wiki leaks have revealed that the US has bullied the EU into allowing Monsanto’s and other GM seeds here. Why has the EU resisted so long if it is safe. Why does it take bullying and threats to get the EU to lift its ban.

          Lots of questions, no answers.

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