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Read this selection. Then answer the questions that follow it.


1The audience becomes excited about Sequoyah’s alphabet when —
Athe last symbol is written
BSalali volunteers to help
CAh-yoka reads the words on the paper
Dthe young men learn the symbols

2How does Salali feel about Sequoyah?
FSalali likes to joke with Sequoyah.
GSalali does not respect Sequoyah.
HSalali is afraid of Sequoyah.
JSalali is nervous around Sequoyah.

3Which sentence from the story shows that Salali is angry that the demonstration is a success?
AThen Salali spoke his words loudly so that both Sequoyah and everyone in the crowd could hear them.
BSalali strolled confidently to where Ah-yoka was waiting.
CMoments later the crowd turned to see Salali, twisted paper in hand, stomping back to the gathering with Ah-yoka trailing him.
DThe crowd gasped and now turned to stare at Salali.

4Which of the following is the best summary of this story?
FSequoyah spends years creating a Cherokee alphabet so his people will be able to read and write. Although doubtful at first, the tribe accepts the alphabet after Sequoyah and his daughter successfully demonstrate it. Soon many Cherokees use this system to communicate.
GAh-yoka is excited that Sequoyah, her father, has created a new alphabet that will allow Cherokees to write. Some Cherokees do not think the alphabet is needed, especially Salali, who dislikes Sequoyah’s work.
HSequoyah spends 12 years creating a Cherokee alphabet. While working, Sequoyah often walks around scowling and bumping into things. Salali tries to convince the tribe that Sequoyah is strange. Some members of the tribe begin to question the usefulness of Sequoyah’s alphabet.
JSequoyah and his daughter give their people a demonstration of Sequoyah’s new writing system. Sequoyah writes down the words spoken by a volunteer, and Ah-yoka reads what he wrote. Sequoyah and his daughter are relieved when the audience members cheer and approve of the new alphabet.

5One important idea present throughout the story is that —
ASequoyah was determined to help the people of his tribe
BSalali refused to learn the Cherokee alphabet
CAh-yoka was helpful to her tribe
Dreading is harder to learn than writing

6The author organizes paragraphs 7 through 11 by —
Fexplaining the reasons why Ah-yoka is sent away
Gcomparing Sequoyah’s actions with those of Salali
Hdescribing the events during Sequoyah’s demonstration
Jlisting the words that Ah-yoka reads from the paper

7Sequoyah has Ah-yoka walk away from the crowd so that —
Ashe can surprise the people in the crowd
Bhe can concentrate on writing the words
CSalali will have a difficult time with the crowd
Dshe will not hear the words that Salali says

8The fact that Sequoyah worked on his alphabet for 12 years helps the reader understand —
Fwhy Salali dislikes Sequoyah’s alphabet
Gwhy the Cherokees wanted an alphabet
Hthe meaning of the symbols in the Cherokee alphabet
JSequoyah’s dedication to his alphabet

9In paragraph 6, the word prominently means —
Balways helpful
Ceasily noticed

10Which idea from the story shows that most Cherokees never thought about having a written language?
FThe tribe comes to watch Sequoyah’s demonstration.
GSequoyah teaches Ah-yoka the alphabet.
HPeople look at one another after Ah-yoka finishes reading.
JA man asks Sequoyah why the tribe needs to know how to write.

Read the next two selections. Then answer the questions that follow them.



Use “In the Spotlight” to answer questions 11–15.

11What is probably the most difficult part of Aaron’s lifestyle?
ATrying out for musical performances
BPutting on costumes for each performance
CFinding time to complete both school assignments and acting work
DAttending cast parties and other events

12In paragraph 2, the word juggle means to —
Fhave an idea
Gstudy carefully for a part
Hdance onstage
Jdo several things at once

13What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
AWhat Aaron does for his job
BWhat part Aaron plays in a show
CWhy Aaron must wear makeup
DHow Aaron shares his job with other actors

14The author probably wrote this article to —
Fshare information about a boy who has a demanding job
Gteach the reader how to manage time between activities
Hentertain the reader with a funny story about the theater
Jconvince kids to try out for plays and musicals

15Which sentence shows that Aaron is dedicated to his work?
AThese young actors audition, or try out, for parts in plays, television commercials, and movies.
BIn fact, going to school became difficult when Aaron began receiving acting jobs in New York City.
CAaron needed to live close to his acting jobs.
DNight after night, show after show, Aaron Conley is reminded of the difficulties of his job, but he loves what he does.

Use “The Shepherd” to answer questions 16–19.

16Read this sentence from paragraph 6 of the selection.
  This sentence shows that Luke is —

17Read this dictionary entry for the word unit.
  Which definition most closely fits the way the word unit is used in paragraph 3?
ADefinition 1
BDefinition 2
CDefinition 3
DDefinition 4

18Why does Luke’s grandfather allow Luke to take care of a large herd of sheep?
FHe has no one else to do the job.
GLuke has not shown interest in any activities besides sheepherding.
HHe believes Luke will learn as he works.
JLuke has proved that he is skilled at the work.

19Luke whistles to —
Akeep himself from getting bored
Bprevent other animals from approaching
Cgive commands to the sheep
Dsignal that he needs help

Use “In the Spotlight” and “The Shepherd” to answer questions 20–22.

20Both authors organize their writing by —
Fcomparing how the boys have changed because of their work
Gdiscussing how the boys solve their problems
Hlisting the steps the boys take to learn the skills needed to do their jobs
Jdescribing the work done by the boys and telling how they feel about it

21Both Aaron and Luke view the work they do as —

22What do the selections have in common?
FThey both teach a lesson about young people needing to work harder.
GThey both tell about young people successfully doing their jobs.
HThey both describe the difficulty of moving from one place to another.
JThey both examine the idea of young people needing free time.

Read this selection. Then answer the questions that follow it.


23After his accident Carly’s brother Alex —
Awants to ski again
Bwill never be able to ski again
Cis nervous about skiing
Denjoys cross-country skiing the most

24In paragraph 12, the reader is not surprised when Carly says the race is scary because Carly —
Fknows that Coach Bennett is watching carefully to see how she does
Gwould rather be cross-country skiing with her father
Hwants people to think she is brave
Jis worried the whole way down the mountain about crashing

25Why do the other team members rush to Carly after she has finished skiing?
AThey think she has skied well.
BCarly helps them win the competition.
CThey want her to choose to stay on the team.
DCarly is wondering if she skied well enough.

26Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mostly about —
FCarly learning that she may have to race for Tonya
Ghow Coach Bennett has been kind to Carly
Hwhy Tonya has not been feeling well
JCarly remembering a conversation with her coach

27One difference between Carly and Alex is that —
ACarly does not enjoy downhill ski racing but Alex does
BCarly is good at skiing fast but Alex is good at skiing smoothly
CCarly does not care about her teammates but Alex does
DAlex enjoys all types of skiing but Carly doesn’t enjoy skiing at all

28The reader can tell that other members of Carly’s family —
Fhope Carly focuses on cross-country skiing
Gwant Alex to quit skiing
Henjoy the sport of skiing
Jexpect Carly to win the race

29In paragraph 15, “following her heart” means that Carly is —
Aworking hard to improve her skills
Bdoing what she believes is right
Cstaying healthy and strong
Dignoring the fear she feels

30What is the most likely reason the author wrote this story?
FTo tell readers a story about why some people learn to ski
GTo share with readers a story about making a difficult decision
HTo inform readers about the dangers of ski competitions
JTo persuade readers to compete in sports

31It is important that the story takes place at a ski competition because this —
Ashows the reader why downhill ski racing is important to Alex
Bhelps the reader understand how Carly learned to ski
Cshows the reader that Alex is determined to recover
Dhelps the reader understand Carly’s fears about downhill ski racing

32An idea presented throughout this story is —
Fcompeting for fame
Gmaking friends
Hwinning for others
Jfacing challenges

Read this selection. Then answer the questions that follow it.


33Kody calls Monte because Kody —
Aneeds to do research for his homework
Bhas nothing else to do after school
Ccould not talk to him on the computer
Dhas exciting news to share

34The reader can tell that Kody and Monte —
Flike to joke with each other
Ghave all the same interests
Hused to play on the same basketball team
Jdislike going to the dentist

35In paragraph 8, what does the word accessible mean?
BDifficult to use
CEasy to get to

36Look at this part of an outline of information from the interview.
  Which heading belongs on the blank line?
FWhy Closing Schools on Fridays Helps Students
GHow Schools Save Money When Closed on Fridays
HWhy Students Like the Shorter School Week
JWhat Students Do When They Are Not at School

37Which of these is the best summary of the interview?
AKody calls his friend Monte in Colorado to ask him about the interesting school Monte goes to. Monte has just returned home from school. Monte can’t talk for a long time because he has to finish his science homework.
BKody speaks with his friend Monte in Colorado about the school Monte attends. Monte tells Kody that he has band practice after school two days a week and soccer practice after school two other days. Most Fridays, Monte goes skiing.
CKody’s class is learning about how schools are different around the world. He asks his friend Monte in Colorado about attending school four days per week. Kody discovers that there are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of schedule.
DKody learns that his friend Monte usually receives free passes to a local ski park on Fridays. Sometimes Monte is unable to ski because he has a band contest or a soccer tournament. Kody discovers that Monte will be skiing while Kody is taking a test at school.

38How might Kody have to change if he attended Monte’s school?
FHe would need to learn a new language.
GHe would not like having a three-day weekend.
HHe would not have time to watch television at night.
JHe would not be able to participate in any after-school activities.

39In paragraph 10, the word extracurricular means activities that —
Aare needed for good health
Bare done outside of regular classes
Ccost a lot of money
Dhave to do with learning a new language

40The reader can conclude that Monte and Kody —
Fplayed on the same soccer team in Texas
Glearned to ski in Texas
Hmade an effort to stay friends
Jscheduled doctor appointments on the same day

41This selection is organized by —
Aexplaining all the interesting parts of a topic
Bdescribing a problem and possible solutions
Cpresenting questions and answers between two people
Dlisting the discussions from most important to least important

42One thing the boys have in common is that they both —
Fparticipate in after-school activities
Gdrive a long distance to school
Hwatch TV in the evenings
Jplay an instrument in the band

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