Native Title and Cultural Heritage

ZeroGen has an extensive consultation program with Indigenous groups in the Central Queensland region. Native Title and Cultural Heritage will continue to play an important role in the EIS for the project.  ZeroGen is committed to maximising the input of Indigenous groups into the EIS process and will seek to cooperatively form Indigenous Land Use Agreements to give access rights over the project areas, such as the IGCC site, CO2 transportation corridor and sequestration site.

ZeroGen is dedicated to the protection of Cultural Heritage during all aspects of project life. As part of the EIS process, ZeroGen will engage with local Indigenous groups to develop comprehensive Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) to ensure the protection of any identified sites of significance. Importantly, these CHMPs are predicated on avoidance as the favoured form of protection.

All studies, consultation and development of the CHMPs will be in accordance with the requirements of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, and will cover the
final CO2 transportation route, sites for the safe storage of CO2, and the
management of all construction works.