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The new Egypt needs food
LONDON, Feb. 14 (UPI) -- As Egypt seeks to establish a new and representative political system after the fall of the Mubarak regime, the one helpful action the United States and Europe could take now would be to ensure that Egypt's drama does not turn into desperate tragedy by ensuring its food supply.
Europe fails again
LONDON, Feb. 7 (UPI) -- France and Germany sought to give some much-needed and sensible leadership to their European partners at Friday's summit but found themselves short of followers.
PARIS, Jan. 31 (UPI) -- Only a fool would seek to predict the course of the Tunisian and now the Egyptian revolutions. But only an idiot would deny that something dramatic and profound is under way in the wider Arab and Islamic worlds, and it is far more than just a political phenomenon.
China inflation warning
PARIS, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- What is it about France and the Chinese? The latest warning by French bank Societe Generale that the Chinese economy is overheating dangerously is just the latest piece of grit in the gears of what should be a mutually rewarding relationship.
The U.S., China and food
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (UPI) -- Of all the geopolitical and geoeconomic issues that the Chinese and American presidents will discuss in their Washington summit this week, the looming world food crisis isn't on the agenda. It should be.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- This week will be the first test of the year for the survival of the euro, as Portugal, Spain and Italy all have bond auctions.
The year ahead
PARIS, Jan. 3 (UPI) -- Two predictions can be made with confidence about the global economy in the coming year. There will be another crisis for the euro. And China's growth rate will be deliberately slowed by government and central bank officials worried by the social and political implications of inflation.
Euro fails again
PARIS, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde was right to say over the weekend that it will take much stronger fiscal and economic coordination among EU member states for the euro to work.
Europe's German problem
PARIS, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The old nightmare is back, the one that was supposed to have a stake driven through its heart in 1945. Europe has a German problem again.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- It does not take a seer to predict the next agonizing crisis for the eurozone. It simply requires a calendar.
ZURICH, Switzerland, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- With the euro reeling and hapless smaller countries waiting to see whether Germany will continue to bail them out – and at what price - there could hardly be a better time to publish a book with the title Europe's Decline and Fall.
BRUSSELS, Nov. 22 (UPI) -- It cannot be reported as fact, but rumor and logic suggest that a highly secret group of German officials is currently secluded in a discreet Frankfurt office suite and trying to draft a contingency plan for a return to the Deutschemark.
Mr. Micawber and the G20
FRANKFURT, Germany, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- By agreeing to kick the can down the road for a few more months, the leaders of the world's main economies at the G20 summit took a weird kind of decision while trying to duck one.
Planning NATO Mark 3
SANTANDER, Spain, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama is in for a busy 48 hours in Lisbon, Portugal, at the end of this month. He has a NATO summit, a Russian summit, an Afghan summit and a European summit all in instant succession.
Obama in India
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 (UPI) -- The White House has been at great pains to explain that President Barack Obama's visit to India this week is all about jobs and trade. But nobody in Asia believes it.
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A staffer organizes signs before a GOP press conference in response to President Obama's Budget in Washington
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