In Japanese

Yayoi Era

The Yayoi Period started 2,300 years ago and lasted for approximately 600 years. Many things changed during this period. The life-style of the Jomon Period might have been similar to that of the Yayoi period because of the geography of Japan. Ancient people in Japan had a hard time traveling across long mountain ranges and straits. Therefore, different languages and cultures developed in each area. The Yayoi Period is followed by Kohun period

Many people from Korea emigrated to Japan. Those people brought rice cultivation and metal work to Japan during the Late Jomon Period. Jomon people started to learn and practice those new things. The cultural effect from Korea was reflected in the shape of earthenware vessels, tools, technology and society in Yayoi period. A disparity in wealth was hardly seen in the Jomon Period. However, warfare, wealth and poverty, and difference of size and village strength were seen in the Yayoi Period as a result of differences in the amount of cultivated and stored rice in each village. .



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