Interventionism Leads to Resentment and Anti-Americanism

64 Responses

Last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and I had the opportunity to raise some of my concerns regarding US government policy and the cost of our interventionism around the world. Many observers claim that the recent overthrow of governments in Northern Africa and the Middle East will result in more liberty for individuals across those regions. I sincerely hope this proves to be true, but history is replete with revolutions that began as a cry for freedom against oppressive governments but ended badly. There are no guarantees that Egyptians, Tunisians or others will be better off after these heralded “regime changes.” We do know, however, that there conflicts in Africa and the Middle East can be made worse if the US government attempts to intervene and support certain candidates or factions.

Such intervention would not further US interest or win new friends, but in fact, would undermine the legitimacy of any government that may emerge after the end of the old regime, just as we would resent and reject any political force that came to power here with the sponsorship of a foreign government. Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans and others are not likely to take kindly to what they view as one US puppet being replaced by another US puppet. It is ironic, but the US government’s endless promotion of democracy overseas actually distorts and undermines democracy in targeted nations. The involvement of a foreign power often undermines true self-determination. Radicals who understand this may use rising resentment and anti-Americanism as leverage to gain power, thus defeating the stated purpose of US government in the first place.

I have never understood how the US government justifies subsidizing a newspaper or political party abroad in the name a promoting independence and pluralism. It makes no sense. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the administration has learned nothing from recent events in the Mediterranean region. Secretary Clinton emphasized several times at the Committee hearing that “nothing is off the table” with regards to a US response to internal civil unrest in Libya. Since when is it our obligation to use political pressure or even military force to solve every problem overseas? Washington is currently buzzing with talk of no-fly zones and even a land invasion of Libya to aid rebel groups seeking to overthrow the Gaddafi regime. Some military leaders, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, have rightly warned the more enthusiastic interventionists that such military operations can be enormously costly both financially and in lives.

The costs of trying to run the world are unsustainable, and we simply don’t have the money. Morally, it is inexcusable for the US to pick sides in such conflicts overseas, no matter how odious either side may be; financially, it is no longer possible. The 2012 budget request from the administration for “international affairs,” which is a code word for “foreign aid,” is two and a half times larger than was it was just nine years ago. As our economy shrinks at home, our obligations increase abroad. As our infrastructure crumbles at home, we continue to spend billions of dollars expending infrastructure in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

If the interventionists have their way, no doubt we will soon pay to reconstruct the infrastructure we destroy in Libyan military operation. It does not take a genius to see that we are going broke, but Washington remains in denial and intent on business as usual. I fear that if we continue this way, we may soon be out of business altogether.

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  2. Morally, it is inexcusable for the US to pick sides in such… Morally, it is inexcusable for the US to pick sides in such conflicts overseas, no...
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64 responses to “Interventionism Leads to Resentment and Anti-Americanism”

  1. LacobrigusRomanicus

    Is it possible for a non American to vote? Damn, this guy needs to be president!

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  2. Bob

    I agree, a very good speech.

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  3. Osher Doctorow Ph.D.

    Excellent speech/article. What’s converted me is Obama’s use of Interventionism in the Middle East to help his 2012 Re-Election popularity – one Dictator cannibalizing other (alleged) Dictators to increase his power. This was never Intended by our Founding Fathers, who in my opinion would declare Obama an Unconstitutional Dictator. It’s hard to find any past President who was as big a cannibalistic Dictator as Obama. In Switzerland, the only nation in the world where the Public makes all decisions by Public Referendums, the concept of a cannibalistic Dictator is totally unknown. The Swiss never invade others nor do others invade them, especially since the Swiss are the most pro-gun nation in the world and “everybody” is armed.

    Osher Doctorow

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  4. TheBongReyes

    I am not a big fan of Ron Paul. But I agree with his position that an American intervention in North Africa. Nothing good can come from America’s involvement in, yet, another Muslim nation. For all the compassion and goodwill America has in her heart. One wrong move. An errant bomb. A Misspoken statement. America becomes, again, the great evil trying to destroy Islam.

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  5. prousa

    Just hope that it’s not too late. On March 25, 2005, G W Bush signed off our sovereignty along with Vicente Fox Former Pres. of Mexico, and Paul Martin former Prime Minister of Canada. The borders of all three countries will disappear. and all three will merge to form one country, “The North American Union”. All but two, (Ron Paul), and (Dennis Kucinech) that ran for President and Vice President in 2008 belong to a group of elites called the “Council on Foreign Relations” (CFR). The objective of the group is to banish our Constitution and delete the USA’s sovereignty (and McCaine, claims himself a hero. Ron Paul has been going around the country holding rallies, he wants all US citizens to wake up, to start paying attention to what is going on in this country. The driver Licenses in North Carolina have been changed already, on the back you’ll find a hologram with the letters N.A.U. Our government is trying to bring us to our knees, the country will be bankrupt. Henry Kissinger has already announced that Obama had been primed to create the New World Order (NWO). Ron Paul wants the USA saved and brought back to its glory. GW and GHW Bush have been planning their escape to another country, Paraguay, where each one purchased 100,000 acres of land in 2006. There are US troops there, they’re in the process of building the Bush family compounds. Paraguay was picked because other countries wouldn’t promise not to extradite them. Paraguay did!
    While you are looking this stuff up, see what you can find about the NAFTA SUPER HIGHWAY, and how Ex-Mayor Juliani and his law firm play a part in it.

    Here’s hope that Ron Paul will run in 2012!

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  6. ProgressiveInAmerica

    Ron Paul supports the weakening of America, terrorism, racism, and anti-antisemitism? No surprise there.

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  7. Juan Reynoso


    March 9th,,2011

    Dear Mr Obama, what Americans want is Honesty, integrity, principles and good character in our political institutions. Today the problem in Washington is that you and most of our representatives are lawyers that are in Washington, to get the most they can get from the taxpayers and can care less about our country. Mr. President, what the American people want is for you to stop this expending frenzy and balance the US budget; Mr. President every penny save will count. Cutting federal spending would expand individual freedom and spur economic growth as resources were moved from lower-return government uses to higher-return activities in the private sector.
    1- cut all social services for illegal aliens and their children’s, if they are here illegally they must pay for their education – Medical attention and should not get any social service.
    2- increase the retirement from 62 to 65 and from 65 to 68; the American people will support this policy if it is to save our country from bankruptcy and will be to contribute to balance the budget.
    3- stop all the printing of government information and documents in Hispanic language, this is the United States and every one that live here must learn the English language, this will help to balance the budget and stop this multiculturalism that is dividing our country.
    4- Abolish the US Dept. of education and pass all duties and responsibilities to the States.
    The list is long, so please click the following sides and learn what you can do to balance the budget and stop this country from bankruptcy; we can not continue this trend of spending, it will destroy our country, the printing and borrowing to buy our own debt is not sustainable, the debt interest cost will overwhelm the federal budget and this country will be finish for ever.

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  8. rougestr

    don’t trust anyone, be your own leader

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  9. Mary Hath Spokane, alias Lady Liberty

    My Dear American Citizens,

    Today on International Women’s Day I publicly DIVORCE Uncle Sam!! I know, I know.. for many July 4th celebrations you have ‘assumed’ that we were married; we hold the same ideals. I may be made of stone but today I say, READ MY LIPS! ” Let’s get the record straight…UNCLE SAM AND I, MOTHER LIBERTY, DO NOT HAVE THE SAME IDEALS!! I love him dearly, but….I can no longer respect him. I love the children…he uses them for canon fodder! NO MORE WAR I SAY”

    I am GODDESS LIBERTY, a mother (the sculptor created me after his own mother) and warrior protector of LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS of the individual against the tyranny of governments and religions. I carry that LIGHT TO THE WORLD; not the torch silly…but, in my other hand….the sacred tablet of :

    The Declaration of Independence
    The best known sacred, divinely inspired words in American history -

    “We hold these rights to be sacred, undeniable and self-evident the all men (plural for men and women) are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inherent and inalienable Rights; that amongst these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    Well, my American Citizens your military, run by your government, is not protecting your rights, but instead taking away your rights….and now no one in this world has SAFETY or HAPPINESS (but, perhaps a few bankers and oil barons). It is time to ALTER or to ABOLISH the government! Don’t YOU agree? Let’s Do This Revolution NOW…what are you waiting for? – alien help or Jesus to come? It is YOUR COUNTRY…don’t depend on others …YOU NEED TO DO IT!!’

    One thing is clear to me, Mother Liberty….no more taking of LIFE in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. !!!!????!!! And NO MORE betrayal and false patriotism which encourages our beautiful young men and women to join a military which sacrifices their LIFE for corporate profits or to an insecure, wrathful Jehovah!. Instead, I would suggest that the President and First Lady invite all the possible terrorists, dictators and clerics over to the White House for a nice discussion and dinner, followed by a little music, a little poetry…like….We CAN work it out (Beatles Tune)

    Wake Up Americans… have been HOODWINKED (also name of great book by ex-economic hit man John Perkins). The banks and corporations have brought death to many of the citizens of this world and now even the death of our planet herself is threatened.
    Thomas Jefferson warned you, the future Americans:

    “I believe that the banking systems are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations which will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property and their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people.”

    Ever since the fall of women, men as clerics, kings, barbarians and more recently bankers, CEOs and politicians have forced their control on others. Pray for those who have become addicted to the chemistry of power and control. Love them back into the Light.
    WE Women just want to LOVE our men, our children, and our beautiful planet.
    WE Women do not believe in competition and valuing only a special elite group; but in nurturing everyone to become their greatest potential.
    WE Women do not believe in Celebrity Stars, King Stars, Queen Stars but ALL ARE EQUAL STARS!
    That was the ‘vision’ of Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers and Mothers – e pluribus unum – from the ONE GOD comes the Many (US) and One For All and All For One – A true Republic where individual cheers on the group effort and the group cheers on the individual effort ; a society which protects ALL- their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness/evolution!

    What a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to CHANGE YOUR COUNTRY to a true Republic.
    Bring Your Light Forward. Become fearless and more LOVING.
    Create YOUR FUTURE..BE THE SOLUTION you, your family, community and your nation needs

    My humble suggestions:

    l ) Go within and find that God dwells within YOU. Make the God connection and ask for guidance/help. This is about YOU, the prodigal child going HOME. Do not fear for God only LOVES and never judges you. Know also that God is in everything and everyone, which includes our alien brethren (who already have been healing the planet to help us).
    2) Get out in the streets March 19th and protest the wars
    3) Join with others; organize and change your life, your community, your country
    4 ) Write your Declaration to your Congressmen and the President Here is mine:

    Mission Statement: We are standing firm against 545 Elected Officials of the U.S. Federal Government whose inability to govern in a moral, reasonable and competent manner now threatens the Life, Safety and Happiness of our planet and all its inhabitants.

    We demand the CHANGE we were promised by our elected officials:

    l)End of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and immediate return home of our beloved men and women in the U.S. armed forces.
    2)No more tax money for Pentagon endorsed Weapons of Mass Destruction and Secret Projects.
    3) Corporations and financial institution must be licensed and closely regulated with fiduciary responsibility for the Safety and Happiness of the planet and its inhabitants.
    4) Public funding of federal elections made law.
    5)Repeal of the charter which gave the control of our money to the private Federal Reserve Bank and the return of the control of our money system to The People

    I love you all grandly, Mother Liberty

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  10. harold kirkpatrick

    Thanks for your efforts Mr Paul. If you run for president you will get my vote. I agree with you 100%.We need to make an effort to get back to our roots now. enough is enough!

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  11. prousa

    Just hope that it’s not too late. On March 25, 2005, G W Bush signed off our sovereignty along with Vicente Fox Former Pres. of Mexico, and Paul Martin former Prime Minister of Canada. The borders of all three countries will disappear. and all three will merge to form one country, “The North American Union”. All but two, (Ron Paul), and (Dennis Kucinech) that ran for President and Vice President belong to a group of elites called the “Council on Foreign Relations” (CFR). The objective of the group is to banish our Constitution and delete the USA’s sovereignty. Ron Paul has been going around the country holding rallies, he wants all US citizens to wake up, to start paying attention to what is going on in this country. The driver Licenses in North Carolina have been changed already, on the back you’ll find a hologram with the letters N.A.U.Our government is trying to bring us to our knees, the country will be bankrupt. Henry Kissinger has already announced that Obama had been primed to create the New World Order (NWO). Ron Paul wants the USA saved and brought back to its glory. GW and GHW Bush have been planning their escape to another country, Paraguay, where each one purchased 100,000 acres of land in 2006. There are US troops there, they’re in the process of building the Bush family compounds. Paraguay was picked because other countries wouldn’t promise not to extradite them. Paraguay did!
    While you are looking this stuff up, see what you can find about the NAFTA SUPER HIGHWAY, and how Ex-Mayor Juliani and his law firm play a part in it.

    Here’s hope that Ron Paul will run in 2012!

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  12. nvsyru

    Ron makes more sense in four and a half minutes than Obama or any of his cronies ever will!

    I sure wish we had a government that focused more on America than every other nation in order to maintain an ever increasingly unpopular military empire.

    We desperately need a president with the character, common sense and morals of the likes of Ron Paul!

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