
Live from America and around the world!…………………….Listen to today’s or an earlier Webcast of David Duke Live Internet Radio ………………….. Broadcast live every weekday & Sunday ………….. E-mail or post your questions to Rep. Duke…………….

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david-duke-and-lennart-berg-of-nordiska-forlaget.jpg David Duke’s 2005 Radio Broadcast Archive!

(2007 – 08 Archive HERE)
(2006 Archive HERE)

You can listen live during the time of broadcast by checking the schedule at stormfront.org.

You can send an e-mail or post your questions to Rep. Duke 24 hrs. a day (see e-mail button top right).

Programs are generally archived here in just a few minutes after they are completed –

Feel free to circulate these shows far and wide!

Rep. Duke’s Thursday, December 29, program. or Download
Double Standards When Discussing Race
Rep. Duke’s Wednesday, December 28, program. or Download
Reflections on Europe and American Culture and Heritage
Rep. Duke’s Tuesday, December 27, program. or Download
A View to the Future & Are Jews a Race? — What Their Leaders Say
Rep. Duke’s Monday, December 26, program. or Download
Knowledge and Inspiration
Rep. Duke’s Friday, December 23, program. or Download
Special Christmas 2005 Message
Rep. Duke’s Tuesday, December 20, program. or Download
Words of Inspiration
Rep. Duke’s Friday, December 16, program. or Download
Jewish Supremacists Attack Christmas — Support Jewish State of Israel
Rep. Duke’s Tuesday, December 14, program. or Download
Aljazeera — Hariri Assasination — Iran President Calls Holocaust a Myth
Rep. Duke’s Tuesday, December 13, program. or Download
Elements of Political Reality and Victory!
Rep. Duke’s friday, December 9, program. or Download
Iran President’s Comments — Twist Speak!
Rep. Duke’s thursday, December 8, program. or Download
Canadian Students Stand Up to Jewish Extremist Hatred
Rep. Duke’s Wednesday, December 7, program. or Download
Ukrainian Patriots Fire Back — Close Israel, Not MAUP (more…)


A Holocaust Inquiry

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Studies in Jewish Supremacism: A Series Edited and Posted by Dave Cooper

A Holocaust Inquiry

An excerpt from Dr. David Duke’s Jewish Supremacism.

Much of the literature on Hitler’s Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud…Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics. –Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Jewish researcher and author of The Holocaust Industry.

There are those who say that we should not debate aspects of the Holocaust any more than we should debate those who say the world is flat. Yet, would any knowledgeable person be afraid to debate an advocate of the Flat Earth theory? Would he urge the passage of laws to prevent the advocate of that theory from speaking, writing or publishing? Would he try to have his livelihood destroyed, have him fined thousands of dollars, and if that did not work, cast him into prison?

I believe in freedom of speech because I am not afraid. I believe that my ideas are well reasoned and that I can back up myopinions with logic and evidence. In an atmosphere of free and open discussion, I fear not, for there is not a truth that I dread. What do the opponents of David Irving, or of all revisionists, fear? (more…)


Will Intermarriage End Jewish Ethnocentrism?

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Studies in Jewish Supremacism: A Series Edited and Posted by Dave Cooper

Will Intermarriage End Jewish Ethnocentrism?

An excerpt from Dr. David Duke’s My Awakening.

It is often said that the high rates of intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles, especially in the United States, will diminish ethnocentrism and cause assimilation of the Jewish population into the Gentile gene pool. The highly publicized and popularly promoted book The Myth of the Jewish Race by Ralph and Jennifer Patai makes that contention. They suggested that Jewish intermarriage has steadily increased since the Enlightenment.

It is true that many Jewish groups and leaders have raised a great commotion about the dangers of intermarriage. Major Jewish publications often have articles and even ads decrying intermarriage and imploring Jews to marry only other Jews. Steve M. Cohen writes the following in The Jewish Family: Myths and Reality:

Vigorous effort by organized Jewry to try to halt or reverse recent demographic changes … to get large numbers of Jews to change their family-related decisions – that is, to marry young, marry each other, stay married, and have many children.

Pinches Stolper cites the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America promoting only strong pure Jewish marriages. In describing the threat of a beautiful Gentile girl living just a few houses away, he asserts: (more…)


Thinking of the Perfect Christmas Gift?

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This Christmas consider the perfect gift for family or friends, for those you care about. Nothing is more important than the gift of knowledge, than the gift of awakening.

Make your Christmas gift shopping and giving easy this year as well as the work you believe in.

Here is the link to order DVDs, books, t-shirts, the perfect gifts for those already awake or who could use a little enlightening!


Open Letter to the University of Toronto from Concerned Students

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From the portrait “muzzled”

Listen to this Broadcast MP3 stream Download

An Open Letter to The University of Toronto Friends, Faculty Members, Students at the University of Toronto:

Read this fantastic letter from a brave student at the University of Toronto on the outrageous attempt to suppress non-violent freedom of political speech and to imprison students and faculty who excercise their freedom of speech and conscience. The students simply printed a small brochure exposing some aspects of Jewish extremism and left copies in the library and some classrooms. For this act of simple free speech and expression they are now threatened with expulsion and even imprisonment! This letter is a classic which should be used as a perfect outline for students in addressing freedom of speech issues. I salute the courageous students who stand up for the truth against the blatant suppression and intimidation of Jewish supremacism! This is one of the most well-written and most powerful letters I have ever read. — David Duke

To the Faculty and Students at the University of Toronto:

I and a small group of my fellow students have dared to distribute a little piece of paper that dares to expose Jewish supremacism. In it we dare to quote from from outspoken, former American elected official, Dr. David Duke, who has written a book called Jewish Supremacism. Dr. Duke has been one of Americas most persistent and eloquent foes of the Iraq War and American Israeli policy. Jewish Supremacism is not an anti-Semitic book. In fact, it is dedicated to a Jew, the late Dr. Israel Shahak, a survivor of the concentration camps during WWII and a leader of the Israeli Peace Movement. People can read parts of the book for themselves on Dr. Duke’s website, www.davidduke.com, and see clearly that it is not anti-Semitic but simply opposes the extremist Jewish supremacism that drives the Israeli state and its supporters around the world. Merely calling someone anti-Semitic doesn’t make it so.

At the University of Toronto we are free. We have free speech. We are free to expose and condemn White people for mistreatment of Indians, for White Colonialism around the world. We are free to accuse White people and the White establishment of racism real and imagined. We are free to condemn any person who says being straight is better than being gay. We can do these things without threat of being expelled from the university, without the possibility of the police coming and getting us in the middle of the night and throwing us into jail for months or years. (more…)

Call the Cops — Students are Thinking for Themselves!

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The stately University of Toronto, now a place of naked supression of freedom of speech an thought and prison for those who dare to disagree

Call the Cops; Students Are Thinking for Themselves

Call the cops. Some students are thinking for themselves. The intellectual poverty and the atmosphere if ideological indoctrination that are sinking Canadian universities is demonstrated in the following story. “The University of Toronto is condemning the perpetrators of an anti-Semitic brochure campaign that has touched all three U of T campuses and is taking action to limit its spread.

The brochure, entitled Jewish Supremacism Unmasked, was discovered this week at U of T’s St. George, Scarborough and Mississauga campuses, as well as at York and Ryerson Universities … ‘The University of Toronto condemns hatred in all its guises,’ said Professor David Farrar, deputy provost and vice-provost (students). ‘U of T, with all its diversity, is a place of tolerance and a place where ideas are debated and discussed but when pure hatred rears its head we must work to counteract it.’ The university has notified the University of Toronto Police Service and U of T staff members are removing the brochures from all campus locations where they are spotted. University staff is also working closely with the Wolfond Centre for Campus Jewish Life to minimize the hurt caused by the propaganda. ‘We take this matter very seriously,’ said Farrar. ‘The University of Toronto Police Service is aware of the matter and the Toronto police are investigating. We will co-operate with them fully. We also want to assure our students that there is support available to them in coping with the naked hatred these brochures displayed. ….We hope no member of our U of T community would stoop so low as to distribute anti-Semitic literature, but if that is the case, we will take swift and appropriate action,’ he said. ” (The News, University of Toronto, Nov. 4, 2005) (more…)


ADL calls for Imprisonment of Ukraine Academics

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ADL Seeks Closure of Largest University in Ukraine and imprisonment of hundreds of Academics

(left) ADL director Abraham Foxman with his close friend, the mass murderer Ariel Sharon. The ADL masquerades as a human rights organization while it supports the murderous and oppressive policies of Israel and Jewish supremacism. Meanwhile, it seeks to imprison in modern day Gulags any academic criticism of Israel or Jewish supremacism

The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the radical, pro-Likud, Jewish Supremacist organization that masquerades as a human rights group, has demanded the imprisonment of the academics who lead the largest University in Ukraine. These Jewish supremacists have even gone so far as to demand that the univeristy degrees of thousands of graduates be revoked.

In a statement released December 2, the ADL has demanded that the University President, Georgy Tschokin and other University academics in the MAUP University system (among whom are some of the most distinguished in Ukraine), be arrested and imprisoned for expressing anti-Zionist viewpoints that the ADL labels as “anti-Semitism.” They have also demanded the shutting down of the university and revoking of the university degrees of hundreds of thousands of graduates of the University system, although they admit that the university is a “bona fide” university with high accreditation. The ADL tome also attacks Dr. David Duke who lectures there and recently earned his doctorate in history at the university. The ADL calls for:

* Invoking anti-incitement laws against Tschokin and his colleagues
* The Education Ministry revoking recognition of MAUP diplomas

The ADL statement admits:

At the same time, MAUP is a bona fide university – its English name is the Interregional Academy for Personnel Management – accredited by Ukraine’s Ministry of Education, with more than 50,000 students enrolled at campuses in various locations. Business, political science and agriculture are among the subjects taught.

The MAUP system is the largest most important university in Ukraine, with over 50,000 students, a sprawling central campus in Kiev and 24 regional campuses. It has educated more government officials, diplomats and administrators than any other university and has the highest academic accreditation Ukraine provides as well as recognition from UNESCO and a number of international bodies of university accreditation. Its academic excellence has never been called into question and its professors are some of the most published and respected academics in all of Eastern Europe and around the world in many fields of study. (more…)


UN — Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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EU Parliamentarian Bruno Gollnisch on learning that he would be stripped of immunity for simply defending free speech. Gollnisch now faces a criminal trial in France not for denying the Holocaust, but for simply saying that Historians should have the right to debate aspects of the Holocaust and any other historical issue without fear of imprisonment, that imprisoning people for opinion is a disgraceful violation of human rights.

UN — Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, …

And Article 19:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The United States and all European nations supported this declaration of Human Rights and the rights of freedom of speech contained therein.

So why are Ernst Zundel and David Irving in prison at this moment for offering non-violent, politically incorrect intellectual opinions about historical events that took place over 60 years ago? David Irving is the author of over 30 books found in almost every library in the world, including the library of the prison he now resides in. He now faces possible imprisonment for up to 20 years! Why does EU Parliamentarian Dr. Bruno Gollnisch face criminal charges and possible imprisonment in France for merely speaking in defense of the right of freedom of speech on all political and historical matters? Where is the international media outrage against not only the suppression of freedom of speech but also the imprisonment of men of conscience for excercising their inherent human rights?

Jewish extremists have sought and used their power and influence to deny freedom of speech and basic human rights to these men and thousands of others from Canada to Australia, New Zealand and across Europe. It is time for all men of conscience who believe in freedom to stand up to the evil men and the oppressive governments who seek to imprison men for crimes of thought and conscience!

Jewish Supremacism

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New Updated and Expanded Edition is Now in Print! Newly indexed too!

Want to know the truth about Jewish Supremacism in their own words?

Anti-Semitism and Jewish chauvinism can only be fought simultaneously.” –Israel Shahak, holocaust survivor and Israeli Peace Activist

Jewish Supremacism –the Author’s Preface

I promise that this book will challenge you. Its amazing documentary evidence will confront some of your most cherished beliefs.

If you can put aside as best you can the prejudices you may have on this subject and even preconceptions you might have about me personally — you can more fairly evaluate the ideas and evidence in this book. That is all an author can ask of his reader; and I ask it of you. It is my earnest belief that if you endeavor to keep an open mind, what you read will surprise you.

The real power of this book comes from its documentation from major sources. In fact, you will quickly discover that most of my documents about Jewish Supremacism are from Jewish sources. They argue more convincingly for my point of view than anything I could write. I encourage you to go to the sources that I quote and check them out for yourself. In this book I take you along with me on a fascinating journey of discovery in a forbidden subject. I urge you to courageously keep an open mind while you explore the topics ahead, for that is the only way any of us can find the truth.

Some will defame this book by calling it anti-Semitic. Yet, it is not considered anti-American to examine historical mistreatment of Indians. No one calls it anti-Christian to talk about the excesses of the Inquisition. No one says that it is anti-Muslim to examine extreme elements within Muslim fundamentalism. Is one considered anti-White for documenting the history of Jim Crow in the South?

This book is not anti-Semitic; it simply examines and documents elements of ethnic supremacism that have existed in the Jewish community from historical to modern times.

Any criticism of Jewish Supremacism is immediately condemned as “anti-Semitism.” The chronic media recital of the horrors of the Holocaust has made the term “anti-Semitic” morally equivalent to the endorsement of mass murder. The word itself shuts down reason and evokes heat rather than light. The word is flagrantly overused; it is even used against those who simply protest Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. (more…)


Jewish Dual Loyalty — What they Say to Us & What They Say among Themselves

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Left — Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen so loyal to Israel that he was willing to devastate America’s intelligence network. The fact that high officials in America’s most powerful Lobby, the Israeli lobby AIPAC, are now charged with espionage should suggest to any thinking American that dual-loyalty among extremist Jews is a serious problem for our country, despite the protests of Clarice Feldman in the following article.

Charging Dual Loyalty for American Jews: Then and Now
Clarice Feldman

Commentary by David Duke — The following excerpt is an article written by a pro-Israel, Jewish partisan, Clarice Feldman. Her article appeared in the “American Thinker.” In it she condemns Gentiles who would dare to think that the loyalties of many Jews in American politics lie with Israel rather than the United States. In the process of damning this very accurate opinion she quotes a number of well known Americans from Cindy Sheehan to Joseph Wilson to Tim Russert and more. However, she never really refutes their opinions, she simply condemns the implications. It is one thing to condemn non-Jews who make such charges. Why doesn’t Clarice Feldman condemn leading Jews who admit to their fellow Jews what Sheehan, Wilson and others have dared to suggest to their fellow Gentiles?

For instance, in a Jewish magazine the former head of National Affairs for the most powerful Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee, writes the following:

I’ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one. (Stephen Steinlight — From Center For Immigration Studies — Backgrounder — October, 2001)

You see, if one of the most influential Jews in America in a Jewish publication says that typical Jewish kids are reared as Jewish nationalists believing that Israel is their true homeland and are taught by the Jewish establishment that Jews are superior to the Gentiles who are “less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves,” that’s fine. But if a non-Jew dares point out this arrogant Jewish supremacism and Jewish disloyalty to America, then he is an anti-Semite and bigot of the worst order. Heck, he might even be compared to David Duke!

You see if you expose elements of Jewish intolerance, supremacism and disloyalty, you will be the one accused of supremacism, hate, intolerance. Here is the first few paragraphs of the Feldman article and a link to the rest of it at “The American Thinker.” (more…)


Super-Zionist Wolf Blitzer Blasts Duke on CNN

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Here is a clear display of Zionist media bias. Former Representative David Duke is my proper and appropriate title. Robert Byrd is not captioned as “Former Klansman Robert Byrd.” George W. Bush is not captioned as “Former coke head George Bush.” And as far as “Blasts U.S.” is concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. In actual fact, I defended the American people in Syria, gave Syrians a good image of Americans and blasted Israel as the true terrorist nation who has made terrorist attacks against America.


Super Zionist Wolf Blitzer Blasts David Duke on CNN

David Duke analyzes the CNN story and uses it to show how Zionists bias the news

By David Duke

Extreme Zionist and Jewish Supremacist, Wolf Blitzer, attacks my trip to Syria on CNN and calls me a White supremacist and “wanna be politician. ”

Wow, he is really reaching isn’t he? Jewish supremacists are of course the real supremacists. I denounce racial, ethnic, or religious supremacism. I Believe in the right of all people and all nations to run their own affairs and preserve their own heritage. Such a belief is the opposite of racial supremacism. It is the Zionists who are trying to control the policies of other nations! As usual, they accuse everyone else of what they themselves are doing! For new readers of www.davidduke.com, please read my book, Jewish Supremacism, I have a mountain of quotes from mainstream Jewish sources to prove that they are the world’s ultimate supremacists.

Wolf Blitzer is a perfect example of the the Zionist bias in media. Before he came to CNN he worked for powerful Israeli PAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Comittee. As for that statement that I am a “wanna be politician,” What a cheap shot. I wouldn’t say that someone who has been elected to two different public offices and who received a majority of the European American vote in major campaigns for U.S. Senate and Governor as well as higher vote totals in Presidential primaries than did many sitting U.S. Senators — is a “wanna be politician.” Actually they are incorrect for another reason in calling me a “wanna be politician.” I would like to think that I am far more of a statesman in the tradition of the American republic as I have never sacrificed my honor for political gain as most politicians who sell out everything to get elected. I could have said what is popular and perhaps been a Bill Clinton, but I chose instead to tell the whole truth and be David Duke! A politician is perceived as someone who simply wants to be elected; I am someone who has a Cause and uses politics to advance it. (more…)

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