Eliot Spitzer to run for mayor of NYC?

CNN's Eliot Spitzer ("In The Arena") responds to reports that he's planning to run for mayor of New York in 2013 on Sunday's edition of CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS."

soundoff (17 Responses)
  1. michael minson

    I thought Parker was a good balance for you. You need an offset to your aggressive personality which I like. Get rid of the children.

    March 7, 2011 at 8:33 pm | Reply
    • michael minson

      can't get more moderate

      March 7, 2011 at 8:34 pm | Reply
  2. Dale McLelland

    CNN please get rid of that E.D. Hill woman. She is a very poor replacement for Kathleen Parker. Kathleen is extremely intelligent,well spoken and courteous all qualities that Hill seems to lack.

    March 7, 2011 at 8:40 pm | Reply
    • Joel Padovani

      My thoughts exactly.

      March 8, 2011 at 3:08 pm | Reply
    • Jean

      Yes, please get rid of e.d. hill – I'm missing Kathleen or would rather watch Elliott alone. I was so enjoying the show before...

      March 8, 2011 at 9:41 pm | Reply
  3. Alex

    Mr. Spitzer, I wish you would reconsider your political future. Your country needs you, your political mind and compassion is to great to waste away. There have been others who have committed worst offenses than your transgressions, only GOD can judge you.

    March 8, 2011 at 8:15 pm | Reply
  4. bob graham

    Mr. Spitzer enjoy your intelligent,direct program style but Mr.Cain and Mis Hill come across as college sophmores. You would be better served by guests similar to the Fareed Zakari. Mis Hill is unfortunately is a little mouthy. Thank you

    March 8, 2011 at 8:18 pm | Reply
  5. Kuldeep Singh

    Mr. Spitzer, you are in a class by yourself. They need to carefully pick people of similar intelligence, analytical skills and knowledge to be on your show. I like your show because of your style and eloquence. Cain and Hill are terrible. Pl find prudent replacements or change the format of the show so Cain and Hill are kept to a minimum. Best wishes to you. You have a lot of potential which could be put to better use in the service of this nation.

    March 8, 2011 at 8:56 pm | Reply
  6. dave clements

    mild islam, moderate islam, radical islam - it doesn't make any difference because islamist adhere to the Koran and Mohammed states clearly that islam will be the end-all religion and all jews and christians are evil and it is islamists mission to destroy the people of these religions. Their goal is to infiltrate all countries and set themselves up to be in power to sacrifice themselves to kill all jews and christians.

    March 8, 2011 at 8:56 pm | Reply
  7. mark

    After watching tonights show on radical islam its clear that mr. spitzer went in with a preconceived idea of what he thinks is right and was prepared to attack one guest with prepared quotes and footage and be sympathetic to another.God forbid he enters politics again and becomes a leader in our country and further apeases our potential enemies.

    March 8, 2011 at 8:58 pm | Reply
    • dave clements

      you hit the nail – preconceived and based upon ignorance of what Islam religion professes as its outcome – Eliot failed as a journalist because he didn't debate with brigget (sic) becasue he didn't have a basis for debate (a knowledge of truth of what Islam is about) - Brigitt came out the winner because she brings with her the know-how of Islamism. Eliot just brushed her off.

      March 8, 2011 at 9:14 pm | Reply
  8. Dotty Dot

    Hello Mr. Spitzer,

    I just watched your interview with the Journalist Brigitte. I can see you are a very good listener because you were able to correct her of a mistake she made. It is good you are such a great listener; however, you seem to be among the group of people who listen but do not hear. You are running for or hoping to run for a mayor of New York. I'd advise you to start hearing not just listening. People like Bridgette have lived and experienced what she's talking. It's not her opinion like you kept saying. She KNOWS what she talking about. I hope we sometimes put aside our political ego and hear what people like Bridgette are talking about. We need to hear, take action, or at least pay a little bit more attention. If you've lived with these people, you'd definitely have the same opinion as she. Isn't it unbelievable that with all our sophistication, technology and intelligence systems, the terrorists, with the little they have, were able to destroy us in an unforgettable way? I am of the opinion that people in power do not listen to bold people like Bridgette who are putting their lives in danger to tell the truth. Believe me Mr. Spitzer, hardly and I mean hardly would you find honest and bold people like her. Bravo to her for trying to help this beautiful nation. Thanks for listening but hopefully hearing.

    March 8, 2011 at 9:24 pm | Reply
  9. Jane

    I wish you would have asked the Iman about his thoughts on Sharia law. I think someone needs to address that point which Will keeps asking regarding Sharia law. I believe once you have spent some time in the middle east you will get a better view of what Brigitte Gabriel is talking about. In October of 2010 the Abu Dhabi's highest judicial body passed a law which allows the beating of your wife and young child as long as you don't leave any physical marks!!! Is this what we want as Westerns? Talk about going backwards. Look at how the UAE are reacting to the Canadian governments decision to turn down the UAE's request for more landing rights for their national carriers (Emirates & Etihad), its like a child throwing toys out of their pram.

    March 8, 2011 at 9:25 pm | Reply
  10. david meister

    Mr. Spitzer , I watched your show for the first time and am dismayed at your ignorance of islam and what that religion has done to the world and what will do in the future. The sunni's and the shia have just started their war on each other and the winner is going to take on the christians if there are any left when their war on each other is over.

    March 8, 2011 at 9:44 pm | Reply
  11. Paul Schaefer

    Wisc. Gov. Walker is entering and exiting the Capital through and old steam tunnel to the Law Library across the street to his limo in a secure garage. He does not want to talk to protestors or anyone that doesn't agree with him.

    Your co-host asked about this. This can be verified.

    March 9, 2011 at 9:00 pm | Reply
  12. Vera

    I don't understand the selection criiteria for co-anchors on In the Arena. With many articulate charismatic women journalists available why did they pick E.D. Hill? Her grating personality is so offensive, I have to switch to another channel when she comes on. I've now re-discovered local news to avoid being turned off by her offensive manner. CNN-What were you thinking?

    March 10, 2011 at 8:21 pm | Reply
  13. R.F. Lederer

    CNN needs to stop playing to the right wing. Let Eliot host this show and everyone else get out of the way.

    March 10, 2011 at 8:29 pm | Reply

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