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  1. RT @AP Friend the pope? John Paul II gets Facebook page
  2. @CEMcFarland If you don't know sadness how can you feel happiness?
  3. @macyd @FixRachel Snoop cont'd: "she heads for the women's room, only to be told "The men's room is over there!"
  4. RT @curiouser_georg: Listen my children&u shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere And how a wrong turn on 128 Caused him to NH 2 veer
  5. Rep. Laura Richardson may be facing an ethics inquiry
  6. The Iowa FAMiLY LEADER lowercases the "I" to "to emphasize the individual’s submission before God"
  7. @yahelc Right. State legislature.
  8. New Hamsphire has one House member for every 3,000 people. If the U.S. Congress had that rate of representation, 102,335 members of Congress
  9. "When I hear Hitchens, I feel sorry for cancer,"
  10. NPR "brought a Tote Bag to a Knife Fight"
  11. @FixRachel SEE, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. RT @macyd: @ByronTau I didn't either until she was on No Reservations.
  12. Robert Reich calls Walker's union bill a "coup d'etat"
  13. Other Wire trivia: in 2008, Wire writers asked people serving on juries in drug cases to always vote to acquit.
  14. @FixRachel I thought she was just a young boy!
  15. So who else from the Wire is female that I don't know about?
  16. Maybe I"m a serious idiot, but I did not realize that "Snoop" from the Wire was female...
  17. Hell yes. RT @mikememoli: RT @NationalsPR Stephen Strasburg is now on twitter (@stras37).
  18. @JamilSmith Hey, leave Mariah Carey alone.
  19. @tnr YES. PLEASE STOP.
  20. RT @jaketapper: At the White House, experts talking about ending bullying. On cable, lessons on how to start.