The International Financial Centres Forum is a non-profit organisation established to provide authoritative and balanced information about the role of IFCs in the global economy. Within this site we provide information and resources to better explain the activities of IFCs and to address common misconceptions.

Statement on tax avoidance debate

The recent demonstrations by organisations such as UK Uncut have brought the debate over tax avoidance back into the public arena, as has the publication of Treasure Islands by Nicholas Shaxson. The issues raised are not new, but the tone of the rhetoric - spurred on by public anger over banking bonuses and spending cuts – has reached new heights.

The IFC Forum is concerned at the unbalanced nature of the debate. Well-informed public discussion is critical to sound policymaking, which should be based on economic fundamentals. The current public conversation requires a better understanding of why and how the rise of offshore finance has benefited the global economy.

Read the full IFC Forum statement on the tax avoidance debate - here

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Economic Liquidity, Efficiency and Jobs:
International Financial Centres: Boon or Bane for the Global Economy?

The Global Financial Crisis:
Did IFCs Cause It?

Tax Competition
Helpful or Harmful?

Transparency, Regulation and Information Exchange

Developing Countries and IFCs:
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