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Linguist's Software Embedded-Font License Application
For Licensing Fonts to Embed in PDF, EPS, PFR, or Microsoft WEFT or Office Files

Please read our FAQ article about embedding fonts before completing this form.

If you wish to license a Linguist's Software/Payne Loving Trust language font to embed in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF, Bitstream® TrueDoc® PFR, Microsoft® WEFT or Office files, or in EPS files, please provide the following information for us to begin processing your request for a license. You can either print this page, fill it out and mail or fax it to us, or download an Adobe® Acrobat® PDF version of this page, which you may then print, complete and mail or fax to us. (If you need to license Linguist's Software fonts or other software to include in an application you are developing please do not use this form. Instead, see Developers.)

1. Name of the font(s) and style(s) (plain, bold, italic, bolditalic) you wish to embed in files.

2. Do you require permission to provide the font(s) embedded in files only to a commercial printer?
 [ ] Yes [ ] No

3. Do you require permission to distribute the font(s) embedded in files on the Internet or World Wide Web?
 [ ] Yes [ ] No
If so in what format?
 [ ] Embedded in PDF files
 [ ] Embedded in PFR files
 [ ] Embedded in WEFT files
 [ ] Embedded in Microsoft Office files

4. Do you require permission to provide the font(s) embedded in files on CDs for distribution?
 [ ] Yes [ ] No

5. Please describe how and where you want to use the embedded fonts and your intended audience. Explain any restricted use which might reduce the fee.
Nature of Use:

Intended Audience:

6. I have read and accept the conditions for licensing Print & Preview embeddable fonts.
 [ ] Yes
 [ ] No

7. Please provide the name and title of the person authorized to sign the Agreement (typically a principal) and the name of the entity controlling production and distribution (with whom the Agreement is made), its address, phone, and fax number.

Authorized Person:
Controlling Party:
Please return the completed form to Linguist's Software by fax: 425-771-5911
Or mail to: Linguist's Software • PO Box 580 • Edmonds, WA 98020 • USA
For questions call +1-425-775-1130 or email our  department.

Instead of printing this page you may download and print a PDF version of this page.



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