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Federal officials said state didn't tell them about suspected food stamp fraud

Federal officials said Friday they weren't told by their state counterparts about a large-scale suspected food stamp fraud ring run for years by nine Milwaukee County employees, even though Wisconsin officials have been investigating the case since Oct. 27. »Read Full Article

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  1. The only thing I hate more than politics are liberals. Get rid of the welfare state!
  2. I am sure we will hear the left says it was Walkers fault even though Bingo Doyle who was in charge at the time the investigation was started was the Governor and reported nothing.
  3. The only thing worse than people who think they are entitled to entitlements, are those who think they are entitled to other people's entitlements.
  4. If the government can't run a program free of fraud, lets get rid of it!!! Sick
    of my money going to thieves. I am done helping those who want to take
    from me!!
  5. "The state agency will be liable for the repayment of the costs?" Make the cheaters pay it back!
  6. Would blame all sides. Question why the local sheriff was involved in food stamp fraud investigation in the first place or even why Milwaukee DA would get involved. Food stamp fraud is a federal crime where search of the net shows cases prosecuted in the federal courts. Have real concern here as ADA David Feiss was passed over by appointment to the US Attorney General office in Milwaukee. Batman seems to want to choose the court that best suits political interests spending at least $100K of state taxpayer money claiming federal court heard the evidence.
  7. I've looked at the contents of the grocery carts filled by those who use this program, and can testify that fraud occurs daily in the greater-Milwaukee area's grocery stores.
  8. Hmmm...Is it remotely possible that the democrats didn't want this piled on top of the already messy workshare program problems with fraud?

    After all checking up on this stuff is child's play in comparison to trying to track the complexity of a health care program.

    If the government can't keep the corruption out of these relatively small programs, imaging the waste and crime we'll see with obamacare.
  9. WOW, do the math, based on a 40hr work week, that comes out to $3.10 per hour. Would you risk your job and going to jail (messing with the Feds) for a meager $3.10 an hour??????? Ain't no rocket scientists in that group!
  10. After the elections than the investigations. Republic of Milwaukee, island fun house on the lake.
  11. I hate fraud and waste as much as the next person, but using fraud or lack thereof as the reason to either fund or de-fund programs would mean that we would have to defund or would have had to de-fund in the past: Medicare; defense contracts for vehicles and weaponry; aid to the Nicauraguan contras; infrastructure contracts in Iraq; nearly everything Halliburton and Blackwater have ever been involved in; Social Security disability benefits; federal highway construction; technology grants to low income schools, etc., etc.
  12. The bigger scam is US AG conglomerates fixing prices with the feds approval. Now poor people can't afford to buy the food so the feds print food stamps. The US tax payer pays twice and the conglomerates get paid twice for the same product.
  13. More fraud to support gazillions of spending to fingerprint kids to prevent day care fraud. To the bat cave everyone.
  14. Another Walker blunder. The slack is getting short on the rope.
  15. It's just like most of the Daycare centers on Milwaukee's Northside. What a JOKE!!!! And Trust me I DON'T MIND HELPING PEOPLE. Now with the new leadership in this state. This crap will stop.
  16. Would not blame Walker, Doyle was on duty in the governors chair and these are Dems 'finding' the fraud years after the fact.
  17. Truth is, for every new social welfare program aimed at those in need, a large percentage goes to fraud and bureaucracy. Whenever the liberals are in charge, there are more and more ineffective social programs and more fraud and bureaucracy, and those in need are still in need. And people wonder why we are going broke. Pretty obvious to me.
  18. I don't know. You buy them books, send them to school, and what do they do? They turn into people like "THeholyone" Dear holy one;
    I don't know how old you are but this has gone on since long before I was born in 1950. "Now poor people can't afford to buy the food" Yup, that's the definition of poor alright. Want to re-distribute the wealth??
    Go ahead! In five years the same people will have the same amount of money as they do now.
  19. Walker dropped the ball twice. First as county exec and then as GOV. All his fault.
  20. LANDLOCKED...Seriously, can you get it right? This has been investigated since October, which means it was going on before then. Walker was not govenor, nor as County Exec did he or his office oversee FoodShare. You just sound like the blind hate has got you by the "short rope".
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