Get a Bikini-Ready Belly Without Diet and Exercise

Surprise: There are simple ways to gain without a hint of pain. Here, 15 smart tips to help you get a better gut, fast! (18 Photos)

Camille Noe Pagán on Apr 8, 2011 at 9:04PM

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Get a Bikini-Ready Belly Without Diet and Exercise

Kathryn Kleinman/Getty Images

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Give up Gum

Because chewing forces you to swallow more puff-producing air, it can also keep you from squeezing into your skinny jeans. “Most people swallow excess air when they chew gum, and that air ends up bloating up the intestines and stomach,” explains Tim Harlan, M.D. and author of the book, Just Tell Me What to Eat! The Delicious 6-Week Weight Loss Plan For the Real World. The ingredients in many of today’s sticks can also set the stage for humiliating health woes. “Sugarless gums, and even many non-sugarless versions, now contain sugar alcohols such as sorbitol and xylitol. Theses alcohols pass into the small intestine, where they create methane gas, which can then cause embarrassing flatulence,” he explains. For fresher breath without tummy troubles, chew on fresh mint leaves or simply brush your teeth, advises Dr. Harlan.

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