Spark some ideas

Neil Armstrong


Get your thoughts flowing freely and develop your creative talents.

Bounce your ideas around by using these fun and simple tools

Get through your exams

Bitesize fish


Break your revision into manageable chunks.

Revise and test yourself at Standard Grade and Higher levels

Listen here

School radio

School Radio

Podcasts, CDs, programmes - audio resources for primary schools.

Including resources aimed at the Curriculum for Excellence

Learning Zone Clips

Choose the video you want, to use when you want and how you want.

Enter keyword(s) to search over 7000 video and audio clips.


New Facebook quiz

Play Factmaster, the rapid-fire revision quiz. Challenge your friends and beat their high score!



Ever wished you could get your brain to work better? Make your study time as productive as possible.

The L.A.B

Outdoor learning

Take the classroom outside with these slideshows from The L.A.B.

Rodd Christensen

Talkie Time

Rodd returns with brand new interactive clips. navigation

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