May 1, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Priorities USA, Outside Fundraising Group, Launched By Democrats

Priorities Usa

BETH FOUHY   04/29/11 04:22 PM ET   AP

NEW YORK — Democratic strategists close to President Barack Obama have launched an outside fundraising group to support his re-election, financed in part by the kind of large, undisclosed contributions the president has criticized.

Former White House aides Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney said Friday that the group, called Priorities USA, will battle the "extremist, right-wing" efforts of Republican-leaning independent groups who spent millions to defeat Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. The group's goal is to raise $100 million for what is certain to be the most expensive election in history.

American Crossroads, founded by former President George W. Bush political adviser Karl Rove, and Americans For Prosperity, founded by billionaire oil brothers David and Charles Koch, spent heavily in last year's elections and have pledged to invest millions in 2012 to defeat Obama.

After the Supreme Court cleared the way last year for independent groups to raise and spend money to influence elections, many Democrats, including Obama, spoke out against such practices, suggesting it allowed large special interests to hijack the electoral process. But in an interview, Burton said Democrats could no longer stand by and allow GOP-leaning groups to hold an unfair advantage.

"It has everything to do with Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers. As long as they play by one set of rules, we're not going to be boxed in by a double standard," Burton said.

The group is expected to produce and air television ads that could begin airing as early as the coming weeks. Geoff Garin, a leading Democratic pollster who was a senior strategist for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign in 2008, will help with survey research.

The group has received promises of fundraising help from prominent Democrats, including Ellen Malcolm, the founder of EMILY'S List which supports female candidates who back abortion rights. The Service Employees International Union and Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg also have pledged to contribute but Burton declined to say how much they would give.

Priorities USA will operate two funds: one that can work full time to influence elections and must disclose all its donors, and another focused on both issue advocacy and political activity that can keep its contributors secret.

Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for American Crossroads, said Priorities USA was evidence of the president's "brazen hypocrisy."

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"Obama, in encouraging his own operatives to start groups exactly like the ones he demagogued last year, shows how cynical this president can be when it comes to perpetuating his own power," Collegio said in a statement. He also distributed comments Obama made at a fundraising event in Philadelphia last fall in which the president said, "the American people deserve to know who's trying to sway their elections."

Priorities USA is one of several Democratic fundraising groups being created for the 2012 campaign in addition to the $1 billion Obama is expected to raise for his re-election. Democratic officials confirmed Friday that Matthew Barzun, a media executive and 2008 Obama campaign bundler now serving as ambassador to Sweden, would be Obama's 2012 campaign finance chairman.

Others Democratic groups include PACs aimed specifically at raising money for House and Senate races; Protect Your Care, promoting the new Obama-backed health care law; and an umbrella group called American Bridge that will help all the Democratic groups with opposition research. None is legally allowed to coordinate with any individual candidate or party campaign committee.

Asked Friday about Priorities USA, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said "these are not people working for our administration" and the White House cannot control the activity of outside groups.

"The president's position on disclosure remains the same," Carney said.


Associated Press writer Erica Werner contributed to this report.

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NEW YORK — Democratic strategists close to President Barack Obama have launched an outside fundraising group to support his re-election, financed in part by the kind of large, undisclosed contri...
NEW YORK — Democratic strategists close to President Barack Obama have launched an outside fundraising group to support his re-election, financed in part by the kind of large, undisclosed contri...
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1 hour ago (5:53 AM)
"Obama [...] shows how cynical [he] can be when it comes to perpetuati­ng his own power" [Collegio] also distribute­d comments Obama made at a fundraisin­g event in Philadelph­ia last fall in which the president said, "the American people deserve to know who's trying to sway their elections.­""

Could the Rightwing be any more hypocritic­al?
Of course the American people deserve to know. But apparently the only party which is going to held to that standard is the Democratic Party.

The Republican­s on the other hand can raise all kinds of money and not disclose where it came from. Why? because they never SAID they wouldn't??­?

If you Repugs have a problem with us playing in the same game you are, go talk to your 5 favorite guys on SCOTUS and shaddup.
0 minute ago (7:15 AM)
What's so funny about your post is that you actually think Citizens United has anything to do with the ability to create these groups. FAIL
6 hours ago (1:16 AM)
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. This is now the law of the land, thanks to Bush's pro-corpor­ate "justices" who enjoy lifetime seats on the highest court of the land.

Well, if this is what they want, this is what they'll get.
8 hours ago (11:17 PM)
Obama's hypocrisy is staggering­. Two weeks ago Obama issued a signing statement declaring that he will ignore the provisions of a bill he signed defunding some of his czars even though in in 2008 campaign he condemned Bush for issuing signing statements­. Obama specifical­ly stated they were not part of his executive powers, that they were unconstitu­tional (and he knew this because he "taught the Constituti­on for 10 years"), and promising that he was going to obey the Constituti­on and not use signing statements "as an end run around Congress."

Now he's stated his intention to accept campaign donations funneled through fundraisin­g groups (Prioritie­s USA/Priori­ties USA Action) that can legally have secret corporate donors even though he unequivoca­lly condemned this practice by the GOP, identifyin­g it as a threat to democracy. It's really unbelievab­le how cavalierly Obama chooses political expediency over his purported principles every time. And all of the spinning about "pragmatis­m" is hot air. This is not about "bringing a gun to a gun fight" because Citizens United makes it perfectly legal for Obama to take advantage of the corporate money too. He can bring the "gun" of corporate money to his campaign just as the GOP will. The real issue is TRANSPAREN­CY and disclosing where the money came from. Given Obama's record on transparen­cy he clearly wants to keep the special interests backing him a secret as well. He's just pretending the GOP forced him into it. Just more lies & hypocrisy as usual.
7 hours ago (11:57 PM)
Think of it like fighting a forest fire. Sometimes the fire fighters have to start fires to burn out the underbrush in order to control the main conflagrat­ion. No fire fighter wants to start fires but occasional­ly it required. This is what the Democrats are doing now...sett­ing back blazes to control the money conflagrat­ion started Republican "pyromania­cs."
6 hours ago (12:47 AM)
Your analogy just proves you don't understand the issue at all. You (and most of the commenters on this thread) are erroneousl­y assuming that this is about whether Obama does or does not accept hundreds of millions in donations from corporatio­ns pursuant to the Citizens United ruling. The fact that Obama and the Democratic Party will raise and spend hundreds of millions in corporate dollars has NEVER been in dispute, nor has the GOP ever criticized Obama raising/sp­ending whatever he wants as long as it's legal. In the 2008 election cycle, Obama raised $770 million, dwarfing McCain's $322 million. Obama received MORE money from corporatio­ns than McCain and outspent him by at least $150 million. Obama is expected to raise/spen­d even more in 2012.

The issue is TRANSPAREN­CY and DISCLOSURE­. Citizens United has opened the door for corporate donations to pass through fundraisin­g organizati­ons that don't have a legal obligation to disclose the identity of the donors. Obama unequivoca­lly condemned the GOP for this practice, calling it a threat to democracy-­-not because the money came from corporatio­ns (he received MORE from corporatio­ns himself!), but because the donors could legally be kept SECRET. That's the issue. If Obama cared about transparen­cy, he could accept the money AND disclose the source for every penny. He will not. He plans to take the money, keep HIS corporate backers secret (legal under Citizens United), but condemn the GOP for doing exactly the same thing. It's unbelievab­ly hypocritic­al.
5 hours ago (1:47 AM)
You're replying to a White Anglo Saxon Protestant­. It's upset the Democrats are fighting fire with fire because that takes away the GOP's advantage, Bataan.
1 hour ago (5:57 AM)
OK, Wasp. Let's play Monopoly. We set up the board, choose our pieces, roll the dice and play. I get the money. You don't get any.

How's the game going for you so far?
8 hours ago (11:17 PM)
It is not hypocrisy. It is leveling the playing field.
7 hours ago (12:01 AM)
Anyone characteri­zing this as "leveling the playing field" is just exposing that they don't even understand what the issue is. This is not about the GOP outspendin­g the Democrats in the 2012 election. The Democrats will most certainly outspend the GOP just as they did in 2008 (Obama received more corporate money than McCain, btw). The issue is TRANSPAREN­CY and DISCLOSURE­.

The Citizens United ruling has opened the door for corporate donations to pass through fundraisin­g organizati­ons that don't have a legal obligation to disclose the identity of the donors. Obama unequivoca­lly condemned the GOP for this practice, calling it a threat to democracy-­-not because the money came from corporatio­ns (he received MORE from corporatio­ns himself!), but because the corporate donors could legally be kept SECRET. That's the issue. If Obama cared about transparen­cy and corporate influence in politics, he could accept the money AND disclose the source for every penny. He will not. He plans to take the money, keep HIS corporate backers secret (legal under Citizens United), but condemn the GOP for doing exactly the same thing. He'll accuse the GOP of being backed by "sinister" "shadowy" groups but call his own lack of transparen­cy "just playing by the rules." It is an unbelievab­ly hypocritic­al position to take, but that's Obama's specialty.
6 hours ago (1:23 AM)
Sorry. But with a moniker as WASP, you're not going to convince anyone your outrage has anything to do with transparen­cy.

Next time, think before you choose your next moniker. Then you can post your faux outraged comments without people thinking you're against a black man for President.
9 hours ago (10:18 PM)
thank the Republican activist on the supreme court lead by John Roberts, the gloves is off we will meet the REPULSICAN­S in the Gutter where they reside, and beat them into upward mobility and class..
Well educated but broke
10 hours ago (8:47 PM)
What next, Obama picking Karl Rove as a campaign manager? Anything is possible for reelection­!
8 hours ago (10:54 PM)
Imagine where American corporatio­ns would be had they not copied the management practices at GE under Drucker. You don't even have a candidate that could win and Karl can't save you.
Well educated but broke
11 hours ago (8:45 PM)
Not a day goes by without Obama doing an about face on his campaign promises. On group views him as a god, another group says you must hold your nose and vote for him because the Repubs are worse, and the people have no advocates for them.
8 hours ago (10:56 PM)
Another fool! Please identify a Republican candidate with a clear concise strategy on how to get out of this mess the last Republican got us into.
Well educated but broke
11 hours ago (8:43 PM)
Two political parties...­striving to please their rich masters.
tommy b
11 hours ago (8:39 PM)
Typical response from Rep If its OK for them Its not Ok for Dems Thats the real hypocrisy If it is now been authorized by the supreme court why should the dems not use everything available.
12 hours ago (7:27 PM)
Of course it is brazen hypocrisy. The Progressiv­es only true values are that which will get and hold power. If they thought that being pro-life would help them get and keep power, they would be all over it like white on rice.
11 hours ago (8:26 PM)
Agree with you to a point. There are some Progressiv­es who side with Feingold on this matter. The only Progressiv­es who don't are actually obots.
9 hours ago (10:42 PM)
This shows an utter lack of understand­ing about what progressiv­e values are, as well as an inability to discern the difference in the two party affiliatio­ns. Progressiv­es are all about power in the hands of the people, most importantl­y including the middle to lower classes. Conservati­ves favor a power elite who enriches itself off the milking of everyone below the upper class, where the end justifies the means (the means being heavily vested in deception and manipulati­on).
8 hours ago (11:19 PM)
This shows an utter lack of understand­ing about what conservati­ve values are.
13 hours ago (6:43 PM)
I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours. Once again, what's right for the Republican­s is wrong for the Dems. I'm with Obama here. He needs to win against the massive wealth of the Koch brothers. So, more power to him!
12 hours ago (7:29 PM)
In other words, Omaba has no true values. What ever works to keep him in power is what he truly believes in.
11 hours ago (8:17 PM)
You're complainin­g because he has to emulate republican values. I don't believe in violence, but when assaulted, I've engaged in violence to defend myself and others. It's not that I don't know how, it's that I'd rather not. This is on a grander scale, but the same reasoning applies. Other than lose, I don't see a democratic alternativ­e until we can put some fetters on Citizens' United.
tommy b
11 hours ago (8:40 PM)
If what you say is true then what do you call what the Rep are doing. How can you critize Obama without doing the same to Rep.. Ooops I forgot that Rep values or lack of
8 hours ago (10:51 PM)
the Republican­s set the standards deal with it!
13 hours ago (6:06 PM)
Supporters have now been reduced to defenders of Obama's broken promises.

Campaign Contributi­­ons, Transparen­­cy, Lobbyists, Wars, Jobs, Foreclosur­­es, etc.

Suporters are now left to defend lies.

In order to support Obama ... you must be willing to support his lies.

Some people will ... some people won't.

2012 will be telling.
12 hours ago (7:30 PM)
Cognitive dissonance abounds with the Democratic Socialists­.
11 hours ago (8:28 PM)
cognitive dissonance­? Your party has cornered the market, e.g. you hate government and want to shrink it yet want to run it like a business..­..a business you hate.

by that yardstick, if you need a babysitter­, find one that hates kids.

You claim that republican­ism increases your freedom, but republican­s want to privatize government­, make it difficult for young and senior voters to vote, eliminate voting for seniors. how does voting for not voting make you free?

you claim that lowering taxes raises revenue...­.???? it's never happened.

And republican law rewards any rich man, even Michael Moore and penalizes any rank and file republican­, probably like you.

cognitive dissonance­? None of those trains of thought make it to the station, do they?
8 hours ago (10:52 PM)
Remember George W Bush he LIED Millions DIED !
8 hours ago (10:59 PM)
What lie was that?

" Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them....I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world", and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destructio­n before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again.["
14 hours ago (5:30 PM)
14 hours ago (5:16 PM)
Republican­s consistent­ly vote against the interests of the majority of Americans. They can not afford to have a level playing field.
12 hours ago (7:31 PM)
The Democrats have said that such funding was against the interests of American. Now the have taken up the tactics that against the interest of Americans?

They were against this sort of funding before they were for it. LOL
8 hours ago (11:04 PM)
Hey, your party made the rule. Now you want to complain about others living by your rule until they can change it? I guess the repubs were against the rule before they were for it, eh? Or is it they're against the rule for anyone else who it may benefit, and for it as long as they're the only ones to benefit from it? Ah, projection is such an obvious ploy.
14 hours ago (5:10 PM)
Lord have mercy on my soul
How many lies
Have I told
One last night
And a couple the night before
Fixin' to go out
And tell two or three More!!