Canada's largest source of royalty free, microstock and rights managed imagery

GetStock is choice. With more than 17 million images, you are certain to find what you are looking for at GetStock. Our library is comprised of high-resolution photography and illustration from top stock photo agencies around the world. These include Alamy, Aurora, IPNstock, TopFoto and Toronto Star photos. We also distribute the Dreamstime microstock collection. Together these extensive collections carry every variety of image and theme imaginable, including architecture, arts, business, celebrity, conceptual, crime, cultural, editorial, entertainment, ethnic, food, historical, humour, lifestyle, medical, nature, news, people, sports, technology, travel and vintage. And if you still can't find exactly what you need, GetStock's photo experts can help.

GetStock is convenience. Our user-friendly site makes it easy to search for the perfect stock photo. GetStock is also committed to maintaining and updating its search technology to provide a fast and efficient stock photo site. And to ensure you get access to your image as quickly as possible, GetStock provides immediate turn-around on releases for rights-managed stock imagery. As budgets and deadlines tighten, save time and money by searching for professional, high-quality, affordable stock photography at GetStock and find that ideal image for your next design project.

GetStock is quality. Our collection is full of high-resolution royalty-free and rights-managed stock photography and illustration. And its continually expanding library of international, award-winning stock imagery includes a Pulitzer-Prize-winning photo. Here at GetStock, we carry the largest collection of stock imagery in Canada, where you will find fresh, creative and unique stock images suitable for any project.


Mother's Day
Mother's Day

Images that say, "Happy Mother's Day!"

Royal Wedding 2011
Royal Wedding 2011

Commemorating the Royal Wedding of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton

Middle East Spring
Middle East Spring

Protests throughout the Middle East mark the first months of 2011

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