FACTOID # 7: Americans are 15% more innovative than the Japanese. But in percentage terms, the Japanese grant 3.5 times more patents.
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Economy Statistics > GDP (per capita) > Trinidad and Tobago (historical data)

VIEW DATA:   Values  
Definition     Source      Printable version   
Date   Amount    Rank   
2006   $15,213.69    #30   
2005   $12,417.20    #38   
2004   $9,380.62    #45   
2003   $8,241.21    #54   
2002   $6,966.13    #51   
2001   $6,846.47    #49   
2000   $6,347.25    #51   
1999   $5,317.71    #51   
1998   $4,736.07    #54   
1997   $4,512.95    #55   
1996   $4,549.79    #57   
1995   $4,231.81    #57   
1994   $3,953.39    #53   
1993   $3,690.74    #54   
1992   $4,488.52    #50   
1991   $4,383.95    #51   
1990   $4,170.62    #52   
1989   $3,576.63    #49   
1988   $3,736.89    #49   
1987   $4,005.68    #46   
1986   $4,029.46    #45   
1985   $6,260.00    #35   
1984   $6,671.72    #32   
1983   $6,821.79    #31   
1982   $7,119.88    #31   
1981   $6,220.16    #33   
1980   $5,764.54    #35   
1979   $4,323.82    #37   
1978   $3,396.63    #38   
1977   $3,032.84    #39   
1976   $2,445.03    #41   
1975   $2,413.94    #39   
1974   $2,036.01    #41   
1973   $1,314.51    #43   
1972   $1,095.61    #41   
1971   $914.18    #42   
1970   $846.51    #40   
1969   $813.46    #36   
1968   $805.30    #34   
1967   $823.10    #34   
1966   $795.34    #34   
1965   $821.70    #32   
1964   $803.73    #28   
1963   $773.13    #27   
1962   $712.69    #27   
1961   $681.62    #25   
1960   $635.43    #25   

DEFINITION: GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in current U.S. dollars. Dollar figures for GDP are converted from domestic currencies using single year official exchange rates. For a few countries where the official exchange rate does not reflect the rate effectively applied to actual foreign exchange transactions, an alternative conversion factor is used. Per capita figures expressed per 1 population


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