We are registered Democrats, life-long, who have become aware of the United Nations Agenda 21 negative impacts on our local, regional, and national government.

We are civil rights advocates, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage, who until recently considered ourselves 'progressive Democrats.'  We are university educated, middle income professionals who seek to make common cause with others in the United States who share our concerns. 

We are engaged in educating ourselves, our peers, and our country about UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Form-Based Zoning, Green Energy Mandates, Carbon Offsets, Cap and Trade, Redevelopment and other programs that restrict our land rights and civil rights.

This vitally important information transcends party lines and illuminates much of what we have witnessed over the past two decades.  This is not a left or right issue. It's an American issue.  This site will help you to identify what is happening in your town and to stop it.

On Saturday, August 6, 2011, the Post Sustainability Institute in collaboration with the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition and Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 dot com, is hosting the Behind the Green Mask Conference in Santa Rosa, CA.


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: NIKI RAAPANA, author of The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto and the world's foremost researcher on Communitarianism.

Bringing together activists and leaders from Northern California and beyond, the conference will include such topics as Redevelopment Reform, SMART METERS, UN Agenda 21, Erosion of Property Rights, and How to Fight.  For more information please contact us. This is a non-partisan conference.
See website here: Post Sustainability Institute
Tickets: click here

From Wikipedia:

Franklin D. Roosevelt
“ The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. ”   — "Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-Trust Laws"

We encourage you to read all of the entries on this site and notice the impacts of UN Agenda 21--Sustainable Development in your town.  Awareness is the first step in the Resistance.  We update this site often.  Please check back with us, and feel free to comment on what you read.

Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 grants permission for reprinting articles and content on this website.  Our only requirement is that the author is credited and a link back to www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com is provided.
