CARRIE Revision Moving Forward -

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CARRIE Revision Moving Forward

Stephen King gives opinion on another Carrie feature film.

By Jarrod Sarafin     May 20, 2011
Source: Deadline, EW

Sissy Spacek as CARRIE(1976).

It seems another version of Stephen King's early best-sellers is poised to return to the silver screen, with Deadline reporting that MGM and Screen Gems are coming together to produce a new Carrie, placing scribe Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa in charge of the screenplay duties. Fans will remember that Brian De Palma already adapted King's work into a feature film back in 1976 and it translated to success as well as providing lead star Sissy Spacek with her first Oscar-nomination. 

Three decades later, we've had a failed Broadway version (1988), a sequel (1999) and a TV adaptation (2002). The two studios are hoping this latest attempt succeeds and are trying to distance themselves from the word "remake." The online trade reports the producers describe it more as re-adaptation of Stephen King's original novel. 

For his part, King has already sounded off on the issue via Entertainment Weekly.

“I’ve heard rumblings about a Carrie remake, as I have about The Stand and It. Who knows if it will happen? The real question is why, when the original was so good? I mean, not Casablanca, or anything, but a really good horror-suspense film, much better than the book. Piper Laurie really got her teeth into the bad-mom thing. Although Lindsay Lohan as Carrie White… hmmm. It would certainly be fun to cast. I guess I could get behind it if they turned the project over to one of the Davids: Lynch or Cronenberg.”

Thanks to lusiphur for the submission.


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jedibanner 5/20/2011 7:54:12 AM

Another remake, WOOP!!!!

Make it 3D and it will be PERFECT!!!

krathwardroid 5/20/2011 8:54:23 AM

No matter how many different words they use, it'll still be a damn remake. Re-adaptation? Are they kidding? George Carlin said it best: "These people are convinced that if you change the name of the condition, somehow you change the condition. Well, hey cousin! PFFFFFTTT!!! It doesn't happen!!"

FerretJohn 5/20/2011 10:31:48 AM

oh get off the high-horses, there's nothing at all wrong with a properly done remake.  Let's wait for something more solid than "word that they're making plans" before we start thumbing our noses.

EagleManiac 5/20/2011 11:29:26 AM

Another remake. Why am I not surprised?

EagleManiac 5/20/2011 11:32:11 AM

FerretJohn: The reason we are already bashing it is because of Hollywod's track record lately with remakes. And the fact they do TOO MANY OF THEM! Hollywood execs need to send some of their aids to this place called a BOOK STORE and look into some of the stories that are there. So many great ideas that are in books could be turned into original films without the need for constant remakes!

Wiseguy 5/20/2011 11:49:07 AM

Make her a superhero this time and I'm in, and oh yeah 3D too of course

jimvo99 5/20/2011 2:52:26 PM

When are they going to remake The Muppets Take Manhattan?

Calibur454 5/20/2011 4:41:13 PM

@jimvo00- lol give it time dude a new muppets movie is going to come out within the next year..

Eaglemaniac has a valid point- and King himself asked the question why when the origional was so good. Granted the remake of the shinning was more in depth and king himself approved of the idea. He couldnt openly talk about the movie but other actors spoke for him about how he hated the focus of the movie story that didnt coincide with the book. which is why he did it.

The stand is next to imposible to remake it was done pretty well- carrie was great for its time- that ending scene the first time I saw it freaked me out completely I feel that It is the same way. It was pretty creepy for its time and the actors played the charachters spot on. I highly doubt the killer clown could be duplicated again. Its like trying to get someone to play the Joker after what Heath Ledger did the with the role.


Id rather see all the money that is put into these so called remakes go into making the dark tower saga instead

ashamel 5/21/2011 2:32:43 AM

David Lynch doing SK would be very cool.

I'd say that about David Cronenberg too, but I'm not really a fan of his Dead Zone adaptation. It was a bit underwhelming, I thought.



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