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Antivirus Software

The Antivirus Software category contains programs developed to detect and remove computer viruses and other virus-related software from users' computers. Most software includes on-demand and scheduled antivirus scans. Many programs now include real-time antivirus protection and further spyware protection. Notable titles include AVG, Avira AntiVir, and Avast.

Whoomp There It Is!

The official song of the Category Listings page



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Smart Install Software

CNET TechTracker will now automatically install software without requiring further action by you. (Note: This feature automatically accepts associated EULAs and third party applications on your behalf.)

You have selected the following software to Smart Install:

CNET TechTracker will attempt to install this software without interrupting you again. If an application requires manual installation, CNET TechTracker will download the installer and prompt you to take further action.

Proceed with Smart Install?

Confirm Standard Install Cancel is now officially integrated with CNET    - the largest catalog of software in the world.

The team who brought you VersionTracker is part of the team that now brings you CNET; we are the same people who have been with you for years. We know how important the information on the VersionTracker website is, which is why we wanted to preserve it, enhance it, and make it part of the CNET experience.

Importantly, your VersionTracker user name and password will continue to work to log in to CNET.

We hope that moving this information to CNET makes finding and getting software updates even easier than what you are used to. Also, you now have more direct access to CNET content, such as:

  • Objective & expert technology reviews, videos, podcasts, and more
  • User ratings and reviews
  • Downloadable software, mobile apps, and games

Click here to learn more about the VersionTracker integration with CNET or to get access to information you used to find on VersionTracker.

Thank you for staying with us during these changes. We appreciate your business and look forward to a continuing relationship. It is our hope that you enjoy the easier access to content that comes with tighter CNET integration. We continue to be focused on creating the best experience possible for our customers.

Aaron Smith

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