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    NASCAR UNITES For Disaster Relief Across the Southeast

    The NASCAR Foundation leads effort with $250,000 donation to American Red Cross

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. (May 14, 2011) — The NASCAR community has united together to support disaster relief efforts across the Southeastern United States in wake of the recent tornadoes and other weather disasters. Pledging more than $400,000 in donations and supplies to help those affected by these events, the NASCAR community contribution is being led by a donation of $250,000 to the American Red Cross by The NASCAR Foundation.

    Through The NASCAR Foundation launch of its newest platform, NASCAR Unites, the entire motorsports community helped raise money through online donations made in exchange for  NASCAR Unites wristbands. Make a donation now!

    Tracks, teams, sponsors, drivers and NASCAR fans pledged their time, money and supplies to aid those in need. Click here to read more about these efforts!:

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