Meet the GameSpy Editorial Staff
Who the heck's responsible for all this stuff? These goons! GameSpy's crack editorial team is made up of some of the brightest minds in the gaming press -- and since we feel it's important for you folks to know a thing or two about the people who are bringing you the content and insights that power this site, here's a little peek at who we are. And don't forget, you can always follow GameSpy's latest and greatest updates on Twitter!

Will Tuttle
Editorial Manager
A New Hampshire native, lifelong sports fan, and self-proclaimed gun nut, GameSpy's head honcho feels equally comfortable teabagging someone in Halo 3 or throwing a perfect spiral in Madden. Will also loves nerdy RPGs, karaoke, and kids' games.
Follow Will on Twitter

Ryan Scott
Executive Editor
When Ryan isn't frittering the days away poring over his myriad classic game collections (or GameSpy's editorial calendar), he's polishing his online Street Fighter IV skills and dabbling in more MMOs than he cares to count.
Follow Ryan on Twitter

Gerald Villoria
Previews/Features Editor
Gerald once played Counterstrike (sans sleep) for three full days. Years before, he played Street Fighter II on the Super NES with his feet. Today, he obsesses over spreadsheets and disrupts his sleep patterns in order to become a better World of Warcraft player.
Follow Gerald on Twitter

Anthony Gallegos
Reviews Editor
Anthony's an avid animal-lover, a Warhammer war-gaming nut, a card-carrying member of the Star Wars Fan Club, and -- most important of all -- the technical wizard behind the weekly GameSpy Debriefings podcast.
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Brian Altano
Editor bios coming soon!
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Brian Miggels
Visual Humorist
Editor bios coming soon!

Bryn Williams
UK News Correspondent
After nearly 10 years, Bryn -- the only Brit on Team GameSpy -- has left California to once again take up residency in the UK. Readjusting to bad weather, PAL releases, and the wilds of the North of England can only lead to disaster... or can it?
Follow Bryn on Twitter