Jewish FAQs

Jewish FAQs

25 Classes

Delve into the 25 most profound issues of Judaism, addressed by top Jewish educators.

Sample Class: Why do bad things happen to good people?
Sample Video: Why is there So Much Antisemitism?

Women in the Bible

Women in the Bible

10 Classes

Understand the unique roles women have played in the Bible and throughout Jewish history.

Sample Class: Rivka
Sample Video: Esther's Triumph

Jewish History

Jewish History

68 Classes

Rabbi Ken Spiro's famous crash course on 4,000 years of Jewish history. Includes dynamic video presentations.

Sample Class: Jews and the Founding of America
Sample Video: Ten Lost Tribes

Laws of Blessings

Laws of Blessings

44 Classes

Master the principles behind the laws of brachot, along with automated testing and instructional videos.

Sample Class: Primary and Secondary Foods
Sample Video: Birthday Pie

Daily Living

Daily Living

43 Classes

Get a solid foundation for the most common topics and scenarios in Jewish life. Supplemented by dynamic multi-media features.

Sample Class: Starting the Day
Sample Video: Marriage for Champions

The Way of G-d

The Way of G-d

29 Classes

An all-time classic of Jewish philosophy – exploring the nature of G-d, Divine providence, the afterlife and more.

Sample Class: The Infinite
Sample Video: Anthropomorphisms

Laws of Shabbat

Laws of Shabbat

34 Classes

Master the principles of Shabbat labor, and you'll be able to handle the myriad of situations that may arise.

Sample Class: Gozez: No Need to be Sheepish
Sample Video: The Flying Peanut Butter

Deed and Creed

Deed and Creed

18 Classes

Explore fundamental philosophical concepts of Judaism, contrasted with well-known ideas of Christian theology.

Sample Class: Religion: Deed or Creed?
Sample Video: Measure for Measure

Chumash Themes

Chumash Themes

23 Classes

Explore key biblical events and personalities – and get a grasp on the "best-seller of all-time."

Sample Class: In the Garden of Eden
Sample Video: Golden Calf

Mussar Program

Mussar Program

20 Classes

Master your character traits as a stepping stone to spiritual greatness. Includes a practical system for tracking your progress.

Sample Class: Gratitude
Sample Video: Accounting of the Soul

What they say

I live in an outlying location with no access to live classes. I am frustrated in that all these years I have not had the opportunity to improve my knowledge of Torah in any concrete way. I've always felt that there is so much for me to learn, but I didn't have the right method to do it. Thank you Jewish Pathways for this amazing life-saver. 
- Sarah Cooper, Iowa

I tried learning halacha many times from a book, but it was too cold and technical. Jewish Pathways makes it all come alive, taking me through step-by-step. This is the breakthrough I really need. 
- Michal Evenari, Germany

I am moving closer to observance, but there is so much to know and I sometimes feel lost and inadequate. Because of Jewish Pathways, I now have a place to rely on for thorough, practical information. Finally… the “Pathway” I’ve been looking for!
- Dan Weiss, Los Angeles