Build dynamic Web presentations without Flash

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Just a week ago Chris Mills said that he is "planning a series of articles to show that you can really do all Flash type stuff using open standards". He also asked thoughts on what to cover. And in a couple days I stumble upon Flash photo portfolio presentation in New Yorker magazine and decided to convert it to standards. It looked pretty doable with CSS and JavaScript to me, so I decided to go with CSS-only, because I'm interesting in trying out some upcoming CSS3 goodies.

If you don't want to go into implementation details, here is a demo (alternative link). Sorry for stupid My Opera nag screen, no harm will be provided to you or your computer. Also you will need Google Chrome 4 or Safari 4 or Firefox 4 or Opera with Presto 2.3+ engine.

So, I started with examining the Flash presentation sample. Thankfully it appears that creators separated data (XML and pictures) from presentation (Flash), so anyone can pretty easily create their own implementation.

To locally saved XML I applied small XSL, that generated HTML markup for presentation, and that was pretty straightforward.

Here is most interesting part of HTML structure:
<div id="name">
  <div id="country">
    <div id="age">
      <div id="gender">
        <div id="tenure">
          <p id="menu">Order by:
            <a href="#name" id="menu-name">Name</a>
            <a href="#country" id="menu-country">Country</a>
            <a href="#age" id="menu-age">Age</a>
            <a href="#gender" id="menu-gender">Gender</a>
            <a href="#tenure" id="menu-tenure">Tenure</a>
          <ul> <!-- pictures -->

Now it was CSS turn. In two words: using :target pseudo-class I was able to switch sorting of photos, using CSS3 transitions I was able to show "visual sorting" and smooth fade-in-out effects. To show big pictures I decided to use :active pseudo-class (user needs to hold mouse button on a thumbnail). From CSS3 I also used RGBA and box-shadow.

Here is an example of current CSS nightmare that we need to write in order to get all current and future browsers on board:
-webkit-transition-property: opacity;
-webkit-transition-duration: .6s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .6s;
-moz-transition-property: opacity;
-moz-transition-duration: .6s;
-moz-transition-delay: .6s;
-o-transition-property: opacity;
-o-transition-duration: .6s;
-o-transition-delay: .6s;
transition-property: opacity;
transition-duration: .6s;
transition-delay: .6s;

Once CSS3 transitions module will become a recommendation, we will need to add properties without vendor prefixes.

That is pretty much it. This CSS-only demo doesn't cover all functionality of original presentation, but sure that is 100% doable if we add some JavaScript and any technology to play audio files.

I tested this demo in Google Chrome 4, Apple Safari 4, and Mozilla Firefox 3.7 builds. Firefox seems has some glitches with CSS transitions, but it is useful even in this state. I added -o- prefixes, so someone can test this on Opera Mobile 10 (Presto 2.3) or next Opera for desktop (Presto 2.4).

Any comments, suggestions and corrections are welcome.

Opera wish-list guide: restore detach of tabs

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Here is a list of just some relevant forum topics where people ask for return of real detach of tabs -- as it was in pre Opera 9.5 or do it better. Opera "fixed" one potential (I didn't find any public complains about this on Opera forums, nor anywhere on Opera Community blogs) UI problem with simply removal of this feature completely.

Topic Replies Views
Detach command not working properly 102 7241
Detach windows 49 1992
Opera's lost features, which should really come back? 36 2649
Opera 9.20 "Detach" tab option removed? 31 1838
Dragging tabs out in 9.5 24 439
Detachable/Tearable Tabs in Opera 10 Alpha for Mac OS X? 11 416
Detached tab functionality killed with 9.5/9.6 23 419
Detachable Tabs 5 407
Detaching pages 4 278
I need _blank pages in tabs, but popup out of the main window 4 160
Tab: cut and paste 4 116
Draging a Tab and Droping to the Desktop performs differently 3 178
Tab Tearing in Opera 10? 3 141
Tab tearing to multiple monitors 3 125
q: Move out tab from Opera 3 154
Problems with Stickam & Chat Windows. 2 127
Getting small pop-up windows out of the frame 1 45
Managing multiple tabs 72
Misc Problems: 116
new opera:config setting: "allow tabs outside windows" 13 300

I believe ~20 topics, ~300 replies and ~15000 views should finally bring some attention of Opera developers.

With Safari 4 and Chrome have almost the same functionality working (tabs tearing) I think there will be more and more new treads asking the same for Opera. BTW, even Firefox now has smother tab tearing behaviour than modern Opera does (for example, it doesn't leave empty window after last tab was moved to other window).

Adobe CS4 GUI is total crap!

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New interface in Adobe CS4 is even more bloated and slow than ever before. In addition to that it is big waster of space and time -- now you can't have only bottom property panel opened or it should be automatically collapsabele (you need to stop and wait until it opens). F4 key is the only "all or nothing" solution to that -- or you will have all panels opened around (left, right, bottom), or you will not see anything (and you cant open anything too)!
All these always showed iconic panels looks even stupider on standard 4:3 displays -- huge waste of space. Damn, I never hated GUI this big!
So, what we have in the end: very useful new features + damn slow and annoying interface = CS4 cry
I agree with someones' comment somewhere that CS4 GUI may be pleasant for newcomers that will use CS4 applications occasionally, but very annoing to some who use Adobe apps a lot.
Will Adobe bother to fix it with paths? I don't now, but very hope for this...

P.S. Will update this post with other notes about other troubles with Adobe CS products.

I still can't copy files (images, videos, etc.) from Assets to Files panel. Why not implement this?
Happenning pretty often sporadic selection of source code (CSS, XSL). This often happens when you copy/paste and navigating through code.
Changing keyboard layout in Dreamweaver causes the toolbars to be redrawn and mouse cursor constantly blinking.

Not about UI, but anyway feature regression -- no system font antialiasing! Damn!
How you can release product with such regressions? I already accustomed to Opera regressions, but Adobe?

Originally posted by Alan Musselman (Adobe):

On the topic of the System Anti-alias...this is very difficult for us to implement. We actually had to re-engineer every feature that worked with text to support the new text engine. I know it may not seem like a lot to you now and sorry for that, but please understand there are only so many engineers on the fireworks team and we have to make the right choices. If we implemented system anti-alias and didnt implement core functionality like editing a text block and see the bounding box would you have been ok with that?
We are still seriously looking into system anti-alias implementation to see if its possible within the development cycle. We want to release a stable product and engineering a new version of system anti-alias is sketchy right now.

From Fireworks CS4 Beta tread (disable JS to view).

Another problem with new text engine.

Russia and Ukraine browser usage statistics chart (2006-2008)

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Browser usage in post-USSR countries such as Russia and Ukraine is very different from global statistics.
That's how it looks from 2006 to 2008, according to

You can see how Opera browser compares to Firefox share -- they are almost equal.
Also notice a big and quickly increasing presence of Opera Mini.
But most exciting thing to notice is that Blue Sea of IE is drying out year by year, month by month. up

How to copy pictures from free Flickr accounts

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I just hate when some "smart ass" developers think that other people are stupid by "protecting" their content with disabling "right click menu" or putting transparent image on top of real one. doh
I was surprised to see last "trick" on Flickr free account, like this one.
So, how to save a picture you like in that case? Opera's Block Content feature created for such purpose -- to fight stupidity on the World Wild Web. wink
Solution for Opera users:
  • do right mouse click somewhere on a page (not on an image);
  • select "Block content..." from opened context menu;
  • press Shift key and click on an image
  • click Done on Block content toolbar (some image like will be blocked now);
  • now you can save real images on any Flikr pages

Internet Explorer 8 will have "auto-fix" feature similar to Opera's

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IE8 is not the first browser to consider making website compatibility fixes for specific highly trafficked sites. Opera has “a feature that allows Opera to automatically fix incompatible Web pages.” It’s “automatically distributed by Opera Software ASA, and can be used to apply fixes to specific Web sites.”

via MS IE blog

Opera 10 alpha logo

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While waiting for Opera 10 I decided to create some sort of new logo, because I expect that at least Alpha version will be released with ugly and old one.

In hope that Alpha will be released today...

Hello world!


BTW it's a real USB keyboard for kids... wink
This is the only toy he can play with for several minutes at that age of 3.5 months!

My wife just released a baby boy!

My wife just released a brand-new baby boy just between Opera 9.5 and Firefox 3 releases. bigsmile
He was born on June 15th (it's Father's Day in USA). We named him Zoryan (Зорян) -- this Ukrainian name means something like "star" or "dawn".
The boy is big -- 4.471 kg and 55 cm tall! headbang

Opera 10: пожелания русскоязычной ветки форума на

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Предварительный подсчёт самых популярных "хотелок" с русскоязычной ветки форума на

There probably will be English translation of Russian Opera wish list soon...

Итак, с большим отрывом лидирует...

1. Внесение усовершенствований в Закачки (Transfers) -- 14 голосов
Видимо, любит славянин файло покачать, и хочет чтобы это было максимально удобно. wink
Больше всего востребованы ограничение количества одновременных закачек и пересортируемая очередь.

Далее идут...

2. Общие жалобы на совместимость с популярными и не очень сайтами -- 7 голосов
Больше всего народ жаждет дружбы Оперы с гугловскими сервисами.

Третье место разделили аж 4 желания имеющие в активе по 6 голосов:

3.1. Требоване нормальной работы в автономном режиме (Work offline). Если сюда прибавить пожелания по улучшению интеррфейса (сделать различимыми ссылки доступные в автономном режиме), то можно присвоить этому пожеланию 2-е место с 8-ю голосами.

3.2. Улучшения лент новостей (News feeds). В частности категоризация или поддержка структуры папок и объединение лент в удобочитаемую газету по категориям или папкам.

3.3. Народ, вероятно, часто сносит Винду, а по этому озабочен экспортом и импортом настроек, лент ловостей и всего остального одним махом. Не нравится копирывать вручную -- хочется цивильно -- через интерфейс.

3.4. Пролетариат требует (уже не первый год, кстати) обеспечить работу с закладками прямо в меню -- удаление, редактирование, перемещение.

Четвёртое место делят два желания с 5-ю голосами:

4.1. "По щучьему велению, по моему хотению" одним нажатием кнопки обновить все новостные ленты или выделенную группу. (Что-то помню усовершенствовали уже в 9.5...)

4.2. Не ставят ни во что нашего крестьянина... Хочет народ файлы с исконо русскими именами правильно сохранять, и без "кракозябр"!

Заключительное 5-е место из 3-х пунктов, набравших по 4 голоса

5.1. В индивидуальные настройки сайта (Site preferences) добавить выбор режима показа изображений.

5.2. Убрать флеш-графику одной кнопкой!

5.3. Самый страшный пункт! smile
Люди хотят поддержки ActiveX, хотя бы на уровне plug-in. У-ж-ж-ж-ж-а-с!

Уже осуществлённые желания:

  • Поддержка NTLM аутентификации пользователей (3 желания)
  • Поиск по странице с подсветкой как у Firefox (2 желания)
  • К индивидуальным настройкам сайта добавить кодировку (2 желания)
  • Нужен сервис синхронизации закладок (2 желания)
  • Когда выполняется щелчок средней кнопкой (не на ссылке), вместо курсора появляется крестик прокрутки. Второй раз щёлкаешь - вместо крестика появляется курсор, но остаётся там же, в центре экрана. Очень хочется, чтобы он возвращался туда, где находился перед первым щелчком. (1 желание, но видимо сильно хотелось smile
  • Хочется чтобы фокус переходил на вкладку, следующую за закрытой или предыдущую ей (как в Maxfone или Фоксе). (1 желание, но знаю, просили многие)
  • Запоминать последний тип сохранения страницы (1 желание)
  • Адекватное перемещение страницы (вправо-вниз, вниз-влево и т.п.) зажатой правой кнопкой мыши как в IrfanView. (1 желание) Ctrl+Alt+mouse drag
  • Хотелось бы, чтобы при сохранении страницы в списке ("Тип файла") на первое место было бы поставлено "HTML-файл с рисунками", а потом уже "HTML-файл". (1 желание) Желание исполнено, но пока не работает smile
  • Значения масштаба просмотра не должны ограничиваться шагом 10 процентов — должна быть возможность выбора произвольного масштаба (если я хочу 112 процентов, то пусть и будет 112, а не 120). (1 желание) Да, будет так!

HitsLink browsers trend

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Just created two charts from HitsLink data that show browsers trends:

On the first chart we can see a stable fall of IE. Yay! And release of IE7 doesn’t really help Microsoft. Also here we clearly see fast growth of Firefox and stable growth of Safari. You can hardly see Opera here in comparison to other 3 browsers, so I created 2nd chart that shows growth of non-IE browsers. wink

Here we can see that growth of Firefox is fast but not as stable as Safari’s. Netscape and Mozilla suite seems already a history — their small market share is slowly falling, recent releases of Netscape browser seems not help.
Opera hopefully will be “new Netscape of 2004″ in a year with market share of 2% or so — we can see pretty stable growth in last 10-12 months. Opera Mini grows fast and stable, so expect that it may outrun desktop version of Opera in a year or so.

I will update charts, so this post will show browsers trends up to date.

Russian internet (Runet) browser statistics

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Tucows - just another Web 2.0 silliness


Now I can't browse a stupid catalog w/o JavaScript?! yikes


Завёл журнал на Я.ру

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Created blog on

It's just a sting for import my posts from here:



ajaxWindows uses Opera widgets but doesn't support Opera browser itself

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I can see Torus game widget, Widgetize, Weather and couple of other Opera widgets.

See additional screenshot and video inside...


Opera Mobile got some Russian press

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Opera Mobile included in 10 most needed applications for Windows Mobile for PocketPC published on
iXBT published article about Opera Mobile 8.65 for Nokia S60 platform.

5 wishes for future Opera browser

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In answer to 5 wishes Opera tag game started by Daniel Goldman.
I was tagged by Eddie Lopez from Usability blog.
5 wishes as user
  • cross-platform profile sync (bookmarks, news feeds, contacts, blocked content, etc.)
  • better news feeds (folders, folder views, trash can)
  • give more focus to Opera mail (don't forget to add ability of removing attachments)
  • undo closed window or undo tabs from closed window(s)
  • improved Notes (rich text, pictures, date stamp, sorting, integration of Notes and some blogging systems??)

5 wishes as web developer and web designer
  • native developer tools
  • better source viewer/editor
  • fix all known bugs in CSS 2.1
  • support parts of CSS 3: border-radius, selectors, multiple backgrounds, RGBA, box-shadow
  • XSLT document() function

5 wishes as Opera fan and tester:
  • better icon (logo of Opera browser, not company)
  • better update system
  • open or half-open bug tracking system (ability to see at least your own submissions)
  • better handling of needed but not presented plug-ins
  • "I prefer ergonomics over being a populist platform." Eddie Lopez' wish #4 Don't move tab bar to "correct" place by default please!

Extra wishes as user
  • fit to width, zoom, encoding in per-site prefs
  • better sessions management
  • saving files with original filename, not 8.3 DOS format
  • based on Notes basic PIM
  • Unified meta-data interface from non-tropo's wish #2
  • Tabs grouping
  • improved Bookmarks (option to store textual content of a page inside bookmark, and this should be searchable)
  • contact managment with views instead of folders (so I can have contacts in multiple groups without having to copy them)

Next in line
I would like to see 5 wishes from these guys:

New "beta" Ask and AllTheWeb block Opera

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Two beta versions of search engines (Ask and AllTheWeb Livesearch) block Opera for no reason. Both services work pretty well (only with small quirks) when mask as Firefox for example.
That's what I got on AllTheWeb's page:

For an optimal Livesearch experience,
we only support the following browsers with javascript at this time:
Windows 98/2000/XP - IE 6.0, Firefox 1.5
Mac OSX 10.3 - Firefox 1.5
Mac OSX 10.4 - Firefox 1.5
We plan to support Safari soon. Please let us know if there is interest.

No mention about support of Opera at all, even in future.
The new experemental Ask supports only this:

Minimum browsers versions:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
Firefox 1.5
Safari 2.0
Netscape 7.0
Camino 1.0

When I try to search it redirects me to old Ask interface.
All these are truly Web 2.0! furious

US goverment site where Opera works but Firefox doesn't


That site is the prove that not only Opera suffers from browser sniffing.
If you try to click on Calculate button using Firefox you will get this message:

Please ise Netscape4.7 and below
to see your result
or, please use IE.
Thank you

Digg? wink

Opera's low numbers in stats surprized people

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Peter Gasston from surprised by quickly growing IE7 stats and still very low Opera stats:

One thing that struck me looking through all my stats was the tiny number of people using Opera - in many cases, none at all. Opera is a very good browser - fast, lightweight and standards-compliant; so why aren’t more people using it? I know in my case I rely on the Addons for Firefox; and I know from experience that most Mac users prefer Safari. But what’s stopping everyone else from using it?
Is it because it was paid-for or ad-supported for so long that people have got used to alternatives? Is it because it isn’t marketed well? I’d be interested to hear readers views on their reasons if they don’t use Opera.

Download Opera, the fastest and most secure browser
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