Cansema Testimonials

Thousands of testimonials have been collected on the effectiveness of Cansema and its predecessor products. One would create the largest site on the Internet if one were to include them all. Below, we have chosen key examples to show the effectiveness of the product as well as provide greater insight into its pharmacological properties.

RECENT testimonials: 2007 to 2008.

ARCHIVED testimonials: 2003 to destruction of Alpha Omega by the U.S. FDA on September 27, 2003 and the subsequent fraudulent imprisonment of our founder, Greg Caton.

ARCHIVED testimonials: 2001 to 2002.
ARCHIVED testimonials: 1995 to 2000.
VETERINARY testimonials: 1995 to Present.

C D701 | Preventing Unnecessary Amputation -- "Pro Bono" (1992-93)
C D702 | Much Surgury. Still No Cure. Cansema to the Rescue. (1993)

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© 2001-2003 Alpha Omega Labs · Nassau, Bahamas ·
© 2004-2009 Alpha Omega Labs · Guayaquil, Ecuador. All rights reserved.