Why Do Dogs Love Water But Cats Hate It?

Throw Fido in a lake and he'll take to it like, well, a duck to water, but Fluffy the cat will balk at the prospect, right?

5 Strange Courting Rituals from Around the World

Asking someone to "be your Valentine" is pretty weird when you think about it… but not as strange as these five courting rituals from around the world.

Did the Universe Begin as a Simple 1-D Line?

A new physics theory called "vanishing dimensions" proposes that the early universe was one dimensional. What would life be like in 1-D?

How Much Is the U.S. National Debt?

The U.S. national debt will top $15 trillion in September, making it the first time since World War II that the debt has outpaced GDP. What's your share? It's a lot!

Are Our Brains Shrinking?

The human brain has been shrinking for the past 20,000 years, but we're not getting dumber. In fact, we might be getting smarter.

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